arrives on TV and in the political storm
What was the venerable master of the lodge P2, the protagonist of the mysteries of republican history, waiting for the new weekly show dedicated to his life, 'Venerable Italy', which airs from Monday 'on November 3 Odeon TV in the late evening, took the opportunity to enjoy the questions of reporters at the press conference that took' place yesterday in Florence.
Gelli, almost 90 years, and safely and dark suit, is not exempt from questions about politics past and present: from the main features of the Plan of rebirth democraticaalle slaughters, from fascism ("Fascism is fascism and die" ') masonry, anecdotes ("I once met in a hotel in Florence, Tina Anselmi, who had given orders to search the entire world and she did not recognize me, but the photo of that meeting and 'the archive of state secret information" ) current political forces and events studentesche.Di Gelli Berlusconi said on Plan of rebirth and democratic '"the only one who can' move on, not because 'it was entered in P2, but because' has the temper of the great man who able to do, although now and 'in moment of weakness' cause just use the parliamentary majority. " Then he attacks the judiciary, "hard power and constitutional," and launches an assist to MarcelloDell'Utri, and that '"a very good person, honest and not the mafia" and that among other things will be' guest of the first episode of the program. Then does not hide his disappointment at the protestestudentesche: "there should be no demonstrations, students should be in the classroom to study and approve the law Gelmini "why 'restores some' order '.
"We wish that there were no misunderstandings: Licio Gelli will not be 'the host of a program or a series of transmissions and but' loaned out to tell in front of TV cameras Odeon his memoirs, which will become material for historians of today and tomorrow. " Said the owner of Odeon Tv, Raymond Lagostena Netherlands, commenting on the reactions that followed the announcement of the participation of the venerable P2 to a new programming circuit television.
reactions concerned in the political world from the Senate Democratic Party leader, Anna Finocchiaro, which calls for a reaction to Berlusconi, indicated by Gelli as his heir, the Vice-President of the Chamber PDL, Osvaldo Naples, rejecting an "appreciation that turns into a poison for those who receive it", until the Democratic Party senator Vincenzo Vita asking for assistance from the Supervisor of Communications 'cause "the P2 nonpuo' go on the air." Same request from the Press Federation, which says: give space and 'insult to Italian history. For the UDC "bad teachers on TV destabilize the climate of the country. Spokeswoman Article 21 Giuseppe Giulietti and Senator Pd Vincenzo Vita chiedonol'intervento because of the Supervisor of Communications ', outlawed," the P2 can not' go on the air. "From the PDL shall be the Vice President for Members Osvaldo Napoli describing how" the support of the Government Gelli not 'been requested by anyone. Who from 'credit Fishing in troubled waters. "Licio Gelli and '" the singer "of Berlusconi. IDV leader, said Antonio di Pietro, who went on to say that Gelli" spoke to him, not to us, reminding him what to do "for" his oath and his card. "" The school, after the Justice and after the information, and 'another piece of the design of the venerable P2 Licio Gelli, who Berlusconi is achieved and that Gelli was praised, "he insisted Peter.
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