Rome, beatings racists arrested five young creative
Robbery "with the aggravating circumstance of racial hatred and discrimination"
Paolo Persichetti
Al Trullo area, the outskirts of Rome that overlooks the coast, takes a bad air. For some 'time some young people enjoy themselves to attack the immigrants who live in the neighborhood of their work. Five boys, including two minors, were arrested at dawn yesterday by the police. Four others were reported and another subjected to the obligation of signing. In all ten children between the ages of sixteen and twenty-one years in various capacities empty heads accused of repeated incidents of assault, racially motivated beatings and intimidation that would eventually lead to robbery. According to what has been reported by agencies, some of the boys had already been previously convicted.
In the face of repeated violence, the climate of oppression and intimidation and the fear of being deported because in an irregular situation, migrants avoid reporting the facts to the police, until last September when two Egyptians have broken the delay and complained. The two were beaten and robbed but had refused to give money to the band. The investigations conducted by the local police station of Villa Bonelli allowed to break the wall of silence and rebuild at least five episodes, but could be much higher. These include the violent beating of a bartender who refused to Romania to offer something to the children of free beers. The group also is targeting women, as in the case of a Guatemalan girl approached in Trullo way to get money here and beaten and robbed. The attacks occurred often with blows of the helmet. "You do not want you, you pieces of shit ', these phrases turned against the immigrants.
Weapon However, the mouth of the Company Commander of the euro has now held said that "it is bullying, there is no political motive in these actions. It is violence in place for petty reasons, often because the victims refused to give a few dollars, "as if it were a child did get around to extort money, in addition to the poor who often live on gimmicks and paid jobs . A depoliticization of the facts in line with the wishes of the majority of government and in particular the speech by the junta Alemanno, that racism and xenophobia during the election campaign did a good policy. The mayor, a leading exponent of An and a reference point the "social right", linked to the environments in which part of the radical right has managed to ferry in most municipal, wasted no time to pay homage to the work of the police, hoping "once detected, to proceed quickly to a conviction exemplary. " Shows what happened to the climate in October 2006, when the tension reached the highest levels in the district because of conflicts between criminal groups that supported the market of a drug, non-contracted for the traffic and emerging young Italians who wanted to carve out a space. Then for three shot in the legs and a bar set on fire.
the same day, in another Rome suburb, the railway station of Octavia, sirilankesi three young men were attacked with blows of clubs from other Italian boys then fled. Such incidents have become daily news. The racist has been trivialized. But really nothing to do with politics? The right plays on the fact that the perpetrators of such acts is not a militant, does not even politics. Objection fragile in an era where politics has lost its traditional boundaries to dissolve in the lounges and television formats. The reality is that symbols, language and behavior are to the same horizon that is common connivance and moments of contact, for example in the corners of the grounds. These heads burned borrow the same prejudices, they share the same hatred and resentment, are in the same universe identity of values, and racial superomista. They are the embodiment of the hegemony that the culture of the right has won in the country. We are facing a sociological contagion, a word that takes on a very special meaning after the latest book by Walter Sites that precisely describes the transmutation of settlements, the reality of the new suburbs where social codes and identity are now overlapping and confused. The social power of cocaine, its routes, the social relationships that are built around its market explain more than many socio-political issues.
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