Sunday, November 2, 2008

Wife Breastfeeding Baby

October 30 in Verona Licio Gelli

The mobilization of October 30, 2008 in Verona was a great event because it participates in and peaceful and beautiful, because young and carefree: 2500-3000 self-organized s students s of high schools and universities, researchers and scientists, teachers have said no to the measures of the government who want to destroy (and improve) the Italian public education. The occupation of Piazza Dante with outdoor lessons and public actions organized by students / teachers in high school i joined the procession left the university, in turn formed by teachers, students
researchers and giving life to a river filled with content and color the center of our city.
"We are not against the school, we are the school" was one of the slogans chanted in this day and in fact the square of who was considered important and necessary, the school as a vehicle of culture that is an element of personal growth and improvement ; those who can not stand the government to fund taglianodo funds for public education by reducing class time, raising taxes, insecurity and cutting jobs, closing schools in a nutshell ... whole disjointed and depressing 's entire universe and forming a public school for a few, for those who can, if the afford.

It is clear that in Rome after weeks of protests and in Verona, after the festive particularity and peaceful invasion of Piazza Bra those in power can not, as has happened so far, pretend nothing happened and denying democracy freedom on which our country and yet our community: this spontaneous movement must be heard!

The Communist Party of the PRC and / the Young Communist / i have had the pleasure of entering the spontaneous flow of this protest, taking a step back on their own identity and accepting without taking off their symbols, not to give signals could be misunderstood. This is indeed a struggle that we share and will continue to strongly support and decision, siding against the cuts in jobs and resources that leads to the reduction in the primary school, the closure of entire school buildings, the transformation of public universities in private foundations.
We can not pass the draft of a society without an education and a school of quality and accessible to all / i, because this is the first sign that distinguishes a free and democratic society!


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