The Black House
Barack Obama, the clique of imperialist and nazisionisti that supports it and the criticism of "realistic utopia" of left
Leonardo Pegoraro (GC Urbino)
"There is no difference between Democrats and Republicans "(George C. Wallace)
seems to live in the movie (which I do not recommend) Wes Craven, where you have so the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing faced with a show of series B, but at least with 'delusion, inflated by the shameless declarations of intent of the author, and attend a "critical" for the ills of capitalist society, as indeed seem to confirm the first scenes. The protagonist is a black man. And the film a big hoax grotesque enriched with a blend of black humor and terrifying scenarios. It's not so risky that comparison between the Black House of Craven and the (until the other day Bianca) won by Obama. So how are some gruesome scenes film, "dance macabre of flags, balloons and bullshit, designed specifically to disguise venalissimo a system based on money and power to divide people and perpetuate a culture of war-" are in fact defined by John Pilger campaigns for the presidential election in the U.S. . The horror does not end there as he did wisely noted Mickey Z., Obama can win the support of the Communist Party of the United States (the CPUs seem to suffer the same logic of "harm reduction" of bertinottiana memory) and the consent of large eagles of critical thinking such as Chomsky and Zinn, succeeding in his role as a "smokescreen" entrusted to him by the ruling class U.S.. A puppet hung on lines operated with gruesome skills from Wall Street and the (Nazi) regime of American Zionists. The list is long, but I think it's worth at least hint at some of the characters in this respect exemplary. The names speak for themselves: Brzezinksi, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission and Secretary of State under President Jimmy Carter, the billionaire Soros; Cutler, in favor of raising the cost of health care; Liebman, in favor of privatization, is albeit partially, social security, Rudman, a key figure in the conservative revolution around Gingrich, Rohatyn, a supporter of Pinochet, and finally about Zionists, Denis Ross, an adviser the last three U.S. presidents (Clinton and two Bushes). And do not even miss the 65th Secretary of State: "If I win, Powell will be one of my advisers," Obama declared. There is no doubt that the Democratic Party, Fulvio Grimaldi writes, is "an imperialist party of big business whose role is to deceive and attract employees, minorities, the intelligentsia and the oppressed in general. Not for nothing, behind the black face of Obama's white check that his deputy, Joe Biden, a senator who throughout his life he was instigator of wars, social measures of prey, families of Israel and supporter of the genocidal Iran-US -Contras in Nicaragua. " At this point a question must be asked: how it feels to Zinn, Chomsky to CPUs and other self-styled "progressive intellectuals" in the company of criminals and poor Figures like these? To put this time with James Petras, "they are the ones that C. Wright Mills called 'realists insane' (crackpot realists), who abdicated their responsibility as critical intellectuals. [...] In addition, they are allies of the mass media, major parties and the legal system that has marginalized or deliberately excluded the alternative candidates, Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney, who explicitly oppose the war and in favor of bailouts Wall Street and propose genuine large-scale public investment in the domestic economy, a program type single payer universal health care, sustainable and environmentally friendly economic policies and income redistribution policies of long-term and far reaching. " This is a "realism" as well as insane, as is totally utopian abstraction from the real pecking order of social classes in contemporary capitalist societies. Power relationships, especially after the collapse of the USSR, are blatantly and unabashedly favorable to unfavorable working capital. An attitude far more realistic to speak then, to use an expression coined by Stephen G. Azzaro, a "compromise not be found" in this historical phase between the capitalist and communist and left parties, such as the issue, reflecting the interests of capital. But if this is not clearly understood is that "The Black House" is successful, selling false hopes of change, with the intention of clouding the mind, even the most critical.
That said, the future promises that should lead us to conclude that the comparison shown here between Obama and Craven's film, however, does not stand up to a remarkable thing, that is, the happy ending.
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