Minister Maroni and explain what 'happened yesterday in Piazza Navona and clarify the presence of infiltrators. Then, resigned. And' what it wants on his blog Beppe Grillo after the incidents of guerrilla urban area of \u200b\u200bRome.
"Yesterday - Grillo writes - in Piazza Navona a truck was allowed to pass by the Police. In the truck there were helmets, bats, brass knuckles and maybe a dozen provocative. Provocateurs, not students. Provocateurs I beat up the students under eyes of the police. One of the challenging, as you can 'see from the video, and' loving relationships, great sympathy with the police, like a colleague.
"The square - continues the chronicle of Cricket - was packed. A truck thugs with clubs and could be there 'in only two cases:' cause it allowed the police on the orders of someone, 'cause the police did not govern the
square. Maroni, the Interior Minister, taking instructions, psychodwarf of a runner - he adds - and should explain what 'happened, and after resigning. "
For Grillo, and' the proof that" the policy and 'failure. The citizen can 'only talk to the police in riot estate. If the police is not enough, then there's the infiltrators, so 'the newspapers and television stations to the system can cry' clashes between students'. Journalists, there
ashamed? Your words are worse than the tri club squads of Piazza Navona.
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