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Wednesday, December 17, 2008
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Wednesday, December 3, 2008
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But because the Vatican has decided to put in the group of countries who conceive the crime of homosexuality? What divine inspiration, has advised the representative UN observer of the Catholic Church to attack the claim made by the French Government, and also signed by the Italian one, to decriminalize homosexuality?
approximately ninety countries around the world provide for the crime of homosexuality, about fifty of these punish him with imprisonment, torture, torture, forced labor, a dozen of these provide for the death penalty. There is no reason ideal, religious, cultural that could justify such a stance the Vatican.
The faces of frightened young Iranians who continue to be hanged because of their homosexuality, not move to feelings of pity the Catholic hierarchy? Women stoned, young tied against a wall and then killed by being crushed by cars, variables are indifferent to the need to declare a final conviction against not only homosexuality, but about gay and lesbian people?
We are frozen by the papacy that we expected a gruff, old-fashioned, faithful to the tradition pre Reconciling worse. But now it has gone further, he traveled a road of no return. The Vatican has put theocratic state, at the same level of Iran, other Islamic regimes, the worst dictatorships of all colors, past and present, unfortunately.
always been the Vatican's UN observer intrigues, pressed, cajoled dozens of diplomats in the world that human rights are denied, when adapted to the tastes of the Catholic religion. On the now infamous Lexicon, published some years ago, summa doctrinal thinking of the Curia on the liberties and rights, just some international organizations, UN agencies, were fiercely attacked for lax on abortion, contraception and so on.
always in alliance with the worst regimes in fact, sometimes publicly shaking hands with murderous dictators, the pope and his emissaries have promoted international campaigns of unprecedented violence. Nothing to do with the Christian message and the Gospel. Only pure practice of power, retaining a heretical history of dominion over the earth, rather than a spiritual guide of souls. The
history repeats itself dramatically if you can amaze and to revive a Catholic vision of the owner of the world, and oppression of freedom, justification of mass murder, if it is consistent with the traditional approach of the church. There is no feeling of shame that is enough, and now we await what will tell the bishops, priests, people of god, silent for many years. Let's see what will come up with our politicians, especially those of the varied center-left.
What happened has no justification whatsoever, is absolutely not acceptable in the international community that democracy means. But our country is entirely possible, therefore, expect, hoping that there is finally a reaction worthy of the name, inside and outside the church, civil society, for the love of life, of that existence, straight, gay, lesbian, trans, which can not be violated by anyone. Today the dark centuries of legalized murder in the name of a poor Christ, have emerged as a nightmare without end.
Monday, December 1, 2008
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The appeal from Urbino: Communists and Communists Unite!
Leonardo Pegoraro, coordinator of the Young Communist PRC Urbino
already published on the website of the Ernest
Report Ernesto de l'initiative "scenarios of the global crisis", Urbino November 21, 2008
" In 1453, the Turks besieged Constantinople, the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, Empire a millennium. When the Turks finally broke through the gates and burst into the heart was the old civilization, the emperor, who would have to undertake to defend the city, he was instead locked in the consistory with the cardinals to discuss an issue that then would go down in history, discussing what the sex of angels. " They are words of Oliviero Diliberto, not improbable in view of medieval history lesson but pledged to highlight the absurdity of the Italian communist diaspora, from the division of the two major parties, PDCI and PRC. "Dear Comrade Russo Spena" - continues the secretary of the PDCI concluding his speech - "it still makes sense to stay separate?". He can not finish the last word that immediately triggered the applause strongest of the evening and heard by over a hundred people in attendance.
A large audience (diverse but rich above all in young people) that participated in the windy afternoon of Friday, November 21, the initiative organized by the Ernst of Urbino and the Machine World at the association hall of the ducal city Serpieri . A conference coordinated by Stephen G. Azzarà and had as guests politicians and intellectuals of the caliber of Oliviero Diliberto, Domenico Losurdo, Giovanni Russo Spena and Sergio Carara. The issue on the debate: "Scenarios of global crisis: financial crash from authoritarian to democracy? Transformation of Liberalism. "
The task of opening the debate and analyze, from a financial point of view, namely, the nature of today's economic crisis has had the responsibility to Carara which has wisely pointed out that, despite the clichés of mainstream, the financial collapse is only the epiphenomenon a crisis that has its roots in a real recession in the real life of ten years now. Since the oil crises of '73 and '79, the profit rate of the advanced capitalist countries has in fact been gradually decreasing. This resulted as a consequence of the urgency on the part of the ruling classes, to cut labor costs, which in turn has engaged a real crisis overproduction. The fact that today, under the eyes of all are the immediate consequences.
Russo Spena, confirming the excellent analysis of Carara, said that represent a real sham explanations of those who see the reasons for the crisis solely on the mere absence of rules and controls the economy. He then continued, putting him in connection with the processes of reduction of labor costs, exposing the real "state racism" toward immigrants introduced the "weatshops" Bossi-Fini. It, like other measures of the Italian government as well as other Western governments, involves a kind of suspension of 'habeas corpus, a measure which too often use the current "democracies" (just think of the Guantanamo concentration camp or our CPT).
The ball is at this point which points to Domenico Losurdo - without wishing to suggest, however, no automatic - as two major economic crises, that of 1873 and 1929, have contributed to the burst, respectively, the First World War . In speaking of the awakening of the colonized peoples, Losurdo back then on the link between imperialism and underdevelopment, and cites the famous aphorism that Frantz Fanon so summarizing the thoughts and actions of the murderers of his people: "Since you want independence, take it and cracked! '. Losurdo therefore undertakes to demonstrate, for example, referring to the choices made by the Pc of China, like any country that aspires to independence politics can do without the industrial and related economic prosperity. Emphasizes the extent as the United States, no longer hegemonic in economic terms (as confirmed by the current crisis), however, continue to be on that war, as their military budget still includes half the military spending of all countries of the world .
Azzarà challenges that finally Diliberto, deepening some aspects of analysis of the financial crash and introducing new ones, makes a constructive and realistic proposal of nationalization, as say, soft sectors in crisis, "the state" - he says - "not merely to buy shares of banks, but also began to sit on their boards of directors." Finally concludes with call for unity of the Communist we talked about launching an important warning: "build, do not say great, but at least a little less" - Losurdo smiles - "Communist Party."
A windy day to Friday to Urbino. Even in the Hall Serpieri wind was blowing. A strong wind of change that drove the unit because ... there is no struggle without unity and there is no unity without a fight!
Monday, November 24, 2008
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Robbery "with the aggravating circumstance of racial hatred and discrimination"
Paolo Persichetti
Al Trullo area, the outskirts of Rome that overlooks the coast, takes a bad air. For some 'time some young people enjoy themselves to attack the immigrants who live in the neighborhood of their work. Five boys, including two minors, were arrested at dawn yesterday by the police. Four others were reported and another subjected to the obligation of signing. In all ten children between the ages of sixteen and twenty-one years in various capacities empty heads accused of repeated incidents of assault, racially motivated beatings and intimidation that would eventually lead to robbery. According to what has been reported by agencies, some of the boys had already been previously convicted.
In the face of repeated violence, the climate of oppression and intimidation and the fear of being deported because in an irregular situation, migrants avoid reporting the facts to the police, until last September when two Egyptians have broken the delay and complained. The two were beaten and robbed but had refused to give money to the band. The investigations conducted by the local police station of Villa Bonelli allowed to break the wall of silence and rebuild at least five episodes, but could be much higher. These include the violent beating of a bartender who refused to Romania to offer something to the children of free beers. The group also is targeting women, as in the case of a Guatemalan girl approached in Trullo way to get money here and beaten and robbed. The attacks occurred often with blows of the helmet. "You do not want you, you pieces of shit ', these phrases turned against the immigrants.
Weapon However, the mouth of the Company Commander of the euro has now held said that "it is bullying, there is no political motive in these actions. It is violence in place for petty reasons, often because the victims refused to give a few dollars, "as if it were a child did get around to extort money, in addition to the poor who often live on gimmicks and paid jobs . A depoliticization of the facts in line with the wishes of the majority of government and in particular the speech by the junta Alemanno, that racism and xenophobia during the election campaign did a good policy. The mayor, a leading exponent of An and a reference point the "social right", linked to the environments in which part of the radical right has managed to ferry in most municipal, wasted no time to pay homage to the work of the police, hoping "once detected, to proceed quickly to a conviction exemplary. " Shows what happened to the climate in October 2006, when the tension reached the highest levels in the district because of conflicts between criminal groups that supported the market of a drug, non-contracted for the traffic and emerging young Italians who wanted to carve out a space. Then for three shot in the legs and a bar set on fire.
the same day, in another Rome suburb, the railway station of Octavia, sirilankesi three young men were attacked with blows of clubs from other Italian boys then fled. Such incidents have become daily news. The racist has been trivialized. But really nothing to do with politics? The right plays on the fact that the perpetrators of such acts is not a militant, does not even politics. Objection fragile in an era where politics has lost its traditional boundaries to dissolve in the lounges and television formats. The reality is that symbols, language and behavior are to the same horizon that is common connivance and moments of contact, for example in the corners of the grounds. These heads burned borrow the same prejudices, they share the same hatred and resentment, are in the same universe identity of values, and racial superomista. They are the embodiment of the hegemony that the culture of the right has won in the country. We are facing a sociological contagion, a word that takes on a very special meaning after the latest book by Walter Sites that precisely describes the transmutation of settlements, the reality of the new suburbs where social codes and identity are now overlapping and confused. The social power of cocaine, its routes, the social relationships that are built around its market explain more than many socio-political issues.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
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hours Thursday, 20/11/2008 9:33
CREATIVE PRESIDIO NO-Gelmini to Job & Orienta
The annual showcase of Job & Orienta istituzionalizzala legitimize and commodification of training of students from the world of scuolasuperiore lavoro.Dopo years of attacks on the public education system and the laws conl'approvazione 133 and 137, with the possible trasformazionedelle universities in private foundations, it is criminal to present ilfuturo students of opportunities when it is known that questenon are others that insecurity. Job & Orienta
creates illusions: we do not fall into the deception. Gelmini
We do not want it!
We will not pay for your crisis!
See you at the garrison! :)
Monday, November 17, 2008
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FASCIST AGGRESSION IN BOLOGNA: UNDER NEW incompatible with democracy
Declaration Nando Mainardi, Prc Secretary Emilia-Romagna
Friday night has been taken yet another act of violence by neo-Fascists in Bologna a dozen activists of Forza Nuova (including the responsible provincial youth) have beaten a guy who was returning from a graduation party.
His "fault" was to be in the company of friends with long hair, guitar and bongos, and that it responded to the insults against the communists and partisans.
What happened proves once again that Forza Nuova is a violent organization, dangerous, which has nothing to do with the democracy and that is light years away from the values \u200b\u200bembodied in the Constitution. In short, Forza Nuova is incompatible with democracy.
The neo-fascists are also present in Bologna and in Emilia-Romagna, and look - not the first case - with the violence and to silence those who think differently from them.
For this anti-fascism must continue to coordinate political, ethical and cultural center of the acting institutions, civil society and political forces. The fascists do not belong only to a distant past.
For this you need to build a strong political and social opposition left in the country that seeks to defeat not only a government that is killing the social workers and families, but it points to defeat revisionism questioning
spaces of democracy and any attempt to legitimize those who know only the language of violence and abuse.
Press Prc Emilia-Romagna
Sunday, November 16, 2008
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Friday, November 14, 2008
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We are many, many, all of us who were in Genoa, to know the truth about the facts of Diaz. Therefore we must not leave them in peace, we must not give up until the truth will be established, and justice will be served.
Iatorno Fiorino, Councillor PRC in Siena, between the responsible for the Genoa Social Forum in 2001
I still remember that evening at the Diaz . I remember the screams, the Genoese from the balconies shouting against the police and the police, the helicopter was flying too low on the pastures, the blue flashing mobile phones and flying to light the men in blue, the policemen in plain clothes and wearing the shirt of GSF and pulled the bandana on his face brandishing batons. All acquitted - except one - that is crawled, talked, gave orders and went in and out by Diaz.
I remember it well, and these seven years have not erased any details of my head. Indeed, in an almost recovery of memory, the more time passes more special memories. I remember Gratteri with the blue helmet on the head and the tricolor flag that led the police and gave provisions to his attendants. I remember it well and never forget. I remember the face of all the boys and girls who went out and massacred by Diaz remember the English girl with dreadlocks and full of blood that is carried away on a stretcher, let me hand in his diary. And I remember going with her boyfriend Alfio Nicotra suffered in the Diaz school.
believe in the truth involves believe in justice. Truth is one of many who were unanimous in Genoa for a just world and that there were that night, they saw and heard the stories. The Gratteri today and with more intensity, in accordance with our Constitution, we can not leave them alone. We without justice, without their peace.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
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Sunday, November 9, 2008
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Saturday of Italian, Head of Nat. Repression Monitoring
crimes configurable or claims that are usually in these cases, the 'invasion of land or buildings, Art. Cp 633, and 'interruption of an office or public service or a necessary public service ", Art. Cp 340.
The jurisprudence of merit and legitimacy has been expressed several times on criminal legality (or not) of school occupations.
By decision of 30 March 2000 the Second Division of the Court of Cassation has intervened on this point stating that: "It is not applicable art. 633 jobs to the student because this provision is intended to punish only the arbitrary invasion of buildings and not any illegal occupation. .... The school building, also, though belonging to the state, not a reality alien to students who are not just visitors, but active subjects of the school community and therefore not considered to be configured their limited right to access the building school hours when the sun is scheduled school activity in the strict sense. "
This ruling has also had the advantage of correctly identify the time consumed and the conduct of the offense and makes a shrewd distinction between the time invasion of a building and that the stay is not allowed inside spaces, providing that you can not assimilate the latter to the former as "when the legislature sought to characterize as criminal act arbitrarily in the permanence of a place, it did so with an express provision, by reversing the analogy may not be incurred in in malam partem. "
Valuable also appears reconstruction of otherness in relation to the reservoir of good school buildings. The Court rules states that under Presidential Decree No. 21.5.74 416 The school is a reality not foreign to students who contribute and contribute to its formation and its maintenance, with a power and duty to cooperate in the protection and conservation of same, so there seemed to constitute a limited right to access them in the hours when the sun is expected to be teaching in the strict sense.
In this Court ordered that the regulation provides that the offense described in Penal Code 633 should be interpreted as the time invasion "any outside interference with violent way"
Other delivery of legitimacy helps in the reconstruction of the contours of offense in question states: "The crime in question is one of the special situation of illegality: the objective fact of the arbitrary behavior, being a constituent element of the case, should return in the subjective the offense and the subject of representation, and volition on the part of the agent, so that if the agent falls into error about the exact scope of a rule extrapenale, considering their behavior as legitimate, should be exempt from liability for lack of intent art. 47 paragraph III cp since you have not been a positive element of the case "(as Cass. Sec. II, 17.5.1988, Oliva). These heads
lead to the conclusion that the existence of a right for students to criticize based on their freedom of expression, thought and association in the school funding for students to exercise a right that would not only assumed that starting from the same but because of an objective justification.
The interruption of public service
case is different in art. Cp 340 that where there is an overall agreement and a participation in protest actions on the part of teachers, principals, administrators, technical and auxiliary schools (ATA) may be integrated if students deliberately prevented the regular lessons.
To this end, the case law indicates more significant.
"If the so-called" occupation "of the school by students is without invasive procedures, namely allowing the lessons and access of employees, it is an offense of interruption of public service, even if the teaching is carried out with difficulty and in the midst of confusion. Siena Court, October 29, 2001. "
The temporary occupation of a school, although for union representation, incorporating the details of the case in art. 340 cp when the mode of conduct, designed to alter the normal development of the education service, go beyond the legitimate exercise of rights under Articles. 17:21 Constitution, damaging other interests guaranteed by the Constitution. "Penal Cassation, 03 July 2007, n. 35178.
Finally, for teachers note that, with a recent decision, the Council of State ruled: "situations of so-called occupation of a school for the state of agitation of the students do not have an effect exemption or presence of the mitigation requirements, intervention and control of the body of teachers and school administrators, must ensure that the more their presence to avoid degeneration of the initiatives taken by school students within the institution "(cons. State, Sec. VI, 17/10/2006, n.6185). Therefore, even if employment continues to fall on the teachers must attend, intervention and control existing even in the ordinary course of lessons
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Friday, November 7, 2008
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The Black House
Barack Obama, the clique of imperialist and nazisionisti that supports it and the criticism of "realistic utopia" of left
Leonardo Pegoraro (GC Urbino)
"D fter driving a knife into someone's back nine inches, and pull it out six inches, you do not say you're making progress. " (Malcolm X)
"There is no difference between Democrats and Republicans "(George C. Wallace)
seems to live in the movie (which I do not recommend) Wes Craven, where you have so the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing faced with a show of series B, but at least with 'delusion, inflated by the shameless declarations of intent of the author, and attend a "critical" for the ills of capitalist society, as indeed seem to confirm the first scenes. The protagonist is a black man. And the film a big hoax grotesque enriched with a blend of black humor and terrifying scenarios. It's not so risky that comparison between the Black House of Craven and the (until the other day Bianca) won by Obama. So how are some gruesome scenes film, "dance macabre of flags, balloons and bullshit, designed specifically to disguise venalissimo a system based on money and power to divide people and perpetuate a culture of war-" are in fact defined by John Pilger campaigns for the presidential election in the U.S. . The horror does not end there as he did wisely noted Mickey Z., Obama can win the support of the Communist Party of the United States (the CPUs seem to suffer the same logic of "harm reduction" of bertinottiana memory) and the consent of large eagles of critical thinking such as Chomsky and Zinn, succeeding in his role as a "smokescreen" entrusted to him by the ruling class U.S.. A puppet hung on lines operated with gruesome skills from Wall Street and the (Nazi) regime of American Zionists. The list is long, but I think it's worth at least hint at some of the characters in this respect exemplary. The names speak for themselves: Brzezinksi, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission and Secretary of State under President Jimmy Carter, the billionaire Soros; Cutler, in favor of raising the cost of health care; Liebman, in favor of privatization, is albeit partially, social security, Rudman, a key figure in the conservative revolution around Gingrich, Rohatyn, a supporter of Pinochet, and finally about Zionists, Denis Ross, an adviser the last three U.S. presidents (Clinton and two Bushes). And do not even miss the 65th Secretary of State: "If I win, Powell will be one of my advisers," Obama declared. There is no doubt that the Democratic Party, Fulvio Grimaldi writes, is "an imperialist party of big business whose role is to deceive and attract employees, minorities, the intelligentsia and the oppressed in general. Not for nothing, behind the black face of Obama's white check that his deputy, Joe Biden, a senator who throughout his life he was instigator of wars, social measures of prey, families of Israel and supporter of the genocidal Iran-US -Contras in Nicaragua. " At this point a question must be asked: how it feels to Zinn, Chomsky to CPUs and other self-styled "progressive intellectuals" in the company of criminals and poor Figures like these? To put this time with James Petras, "they are the ones that C. Wright Mills called 'realists insane' (crackpot realists), who abdicated their responsibility as critical intellectuals. [...] In addition, they are allies of the mass media, major parties and the legal system that has marginalized or deliberately excluded the alternative candidates, Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney, who explicitly oppose the war and in favor of bailouts Wall Street and propose genuine large-scale public investment in the domestic economy, a program type single payer universal health care, sustainable and environmentally friendly economic policies and income redistribution policies of long-term and far reaching. " This is a "realism" as well as insane, as is totally utopian abstraction from the real pecking order of social classes in contemporary capitalist societies. Power relationships, especially after the collapse of the USSR, are blatantly and unabashedly favorable to unfavorable working capital. An attitude far more realistic to speak then, to use an expression coined by Stephen G. Azzaro, a "compromise not be found" in this historical phase between the capitalist and communist and left parties, such as the issue, reflecting the interests of capital. But if this is not clearly understood is that "The Black House" is successful, selling false hopes of change, with the intention of clouding the mind, even the most critical.
That said, the future promises that should lead us to conclude that the comparison shown here between Obama and Craven's film, however, does not stand up to a remarkable thing, that is, the happy ending.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
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Paolo Ferrero
For some free time with major public who wish to leave items The common name. At the bottom of the thesis proposed in various sauces is that the word communism is unusable because the concrete historical experience has distorted the meaning. Among those who propose to abandon the name is the Communist who is in favor of the name left, those in favor of socialism, who does not propose anything. All this is interwoven with another area of \u200b\u200bdebate that aims to go beyond the Communist Party of the PRC, to another party, to do something else that is not a party, etc.. The arguments used
recreate seems a bit 'tired as already supported by Occhetto and his supporters after the 89, but so much so, as know the first time the story is presented as tragedy, second as farce.
For me I think so:
The concept of community has a history that goes beyond the events of the short century. I do not want it here. I think be helpful to emphasize that in Italy the communist leadership group was formed at the origin of the factories in the matter of employment and enhancing the construction of works councils. During the war, has managed to forge a united anti-fascist resistance movement and democratic Iraq that helped liberate Italy and to give our country a democratic constitution structured around a very advanced. Then the Communists have variously struggled with some effectiveness against exploitation and social justice. A third of Italian voters came to trust a party that was called a communist and that put the moral question of the reform not as a policy. Refoundation Communist in his little has been present in the various conflicts that have traveled the country and was able to place them so in great season in the anti-globalization movement.
All trying to interweave the struggles for social rights with those for civil rights, workers' struggles and environmental struggles, struggles for the redistribution of income with the struggles against commodification of people, the environment, social relations. In other words, the term Communism in Italy is linked to the struggles for justice and freedom. The era craxiana I do not think you could say the same for the word socialism.
The word historically has left a positive meaning in our country. He in my opinion a flaw, namely that it is a blanket that covers many things. For example, within the Democratic Party and there are people who call themselves left-wing positions that are, however, variously Confindustria and in no way anti-capitalist. The word that is left alone does not define a clear position in terms of class division of society nor in terms of the will to overcome capitalism, so much so that in recent years have rightly said that there were two left, one moderate and the radical or alternative or antagonistic. From this point of view to define the left and communists seem to me represents a clear way to tell which side you are. We left but we are communists, that we struggle against exploitation, even when used against the Vatican and we struggle to overcome capitalism. Said to be a resource for the community and therefore qualify to be our left. Make the issue of communism is to put the node of the revolution, the radical change of the state of things. So much so that when certain members of the center say they do not want to ever make agreements with lists that contain the sickle and the hammer say it not for our history, but because we are actually, politically, here and now, anti-capitalist.
So much for Italy. The Communists, however, particularly when they took power, they have also made great disasters. Stalinism radically contradicted the aspirations of justice and freedom in the communist movement. So we called the Communist PRC. Not only the name of a party but a political project: re-establish communism had done all the way to deal with the stalimismo. We recognize that the history of communist and communist is our history, we analyzed the errors and horrors in order not to repeat them. Communist Refoundation and are therefore two terms that qualify each other, but also tell us about the persistence of the gap
The re-establishment of communism is therefore the political project that we chose when Achille Occhetto ruled that communism was just a pile of rubble. Nothing prevents the other day but I think as Occhetto frankly think that the troubles we had in previous years are not derived from our name but our political mistakes in the first place the choice of going to the government.
then I think that is more necessary today than yesterday said to be Communists, Communist Refoundation. It 's the name better than any other defines the here and now our anti-capitalism and our independence from a political class that defines the left but with whose political perspectives have little to do.
It 'obvious that it could continue to argue for a long time but I want to use the space I have left to raise a few questions.
First, it is clear that the discussion should start from here, that the Communist Refoundation. This would open a debate but not to negative to positive. It would consider how to make better Today the communist perspective. Of how our actions can not be located only at the level of political representation. Of how to redefine the policy in relation to the communist movement, the thousands vertenzialità
Secondly, it is bizarre that the re-establishment of the Communist Party newspaper put on the front page the debate on the failure of communism and on page 19 articles in which some party leaders put forward policy proposals and try to advance the Communist re-establishment project.
In other words, the real news I do not think the debate over communism, but the fact that now Liberation, the newspaper of the PRC, both the subject and with greater consistency and determination calls for the overcoming of the PRC and its political project. I must say that this news does not seem very useful.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
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The mobilization of October 30, 2008 in Verona was a great event because it participates in and peaceful and beautiful, because young and carefree: 2500-3000 self-organized s students s of high schools and universities, researchers and scientists, teachers have said no to the measures of the government who want to destroy (and improve) the Italian public education. The occupation of Piazza Dante with outdoor lessons and public actions organized by students / teachers in high school i joined the procession left the university, in turn formed by teachers, students
researchers and giving life to a river filled with content and color the center of our city.
"We are not against the school, we are the school" was one of the slogans chanted in this day and in fact the square of who was considered important and necessary, the school as a vehicle of culture that is an element of personal growth and improvement ; those who can not stand the government to fund taglianodo funds for public education by reducing class time, raising taxes, insecurity and cutting jobs, closing schools in a nutshell ... whole disjointed and depressing 's entire universe and forming a public school for a few, for those who can, if the afford.
It is clear that in Rome after weeks of protests and in Verona, after the festive particularity and peaceful invasion of Piazza Bra those in power can not, as has happened so far, pretend nothing happened and denying democracy freedom on which our country and yet our community: this spontaneous movement must be heard!
The Communist Party of the PRC and / the Young Communist / i have had the pleasure of entering the spontaneous flow of this protest, taking a step back on their own identity and accepting without taking off their symbols, not to give signals could be misunderstood. This is indeed a struggle that we share and will continue to strongly support and decision, siding against the cuts in jobs and resources that leads to the reduction in the primary school, the closure of entire school buildings, the transformation of public universities in private foundations.
We can not pass the draft of a society without an education and a school of quality and accessible to all / i, because this is the first sign that distinguishes a free and democratic society!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Churcu Aqnniversary Programs
by www.rainews24.it
What was the venerable master of the lodge P2, the protagonist of the mysteries of republican history, waiting for the new weekly show dedicated to his life, 'Venerable Italy', which airs from Monday 'on November 3 Odeon TV in the late evening, took the opportunity to enjoy the questions of reporters at the press conference that took' place yesterday in Florence.
Gelli, almost 90 years, and safely and dark suit, is not exempt from questions about politics past and present: from the main features of the Plan of rebirth democraticaalle slaughters, from fascism ("Fascism is fascism and die" ') masonry, anecdotes ("I once met in a hotel in Florence, Tina Anselmi, who had given orders to search the entire world and she did not recognize me, but the photo of that meeting and 'the archive of state secret information" ) current political forces and events studentesche.Di Gelli Berlusconi said on Plan of rebirth and democratic '"the only one who can' move on, not because 'it was entered in P2, but because' has the temper of the great man who able to do, although now and 'in moment of weakness' cause just use the parliamentary majority. " Then he attacks the judiciary, "hard power and constitutional," and launches an assist to MarcelloDell'Utri, and that '"a very good person, honest and not the mafia" and that among other things will be' guest of the first episode of the program. Then does not hide his disappointment at the protestestudentesche: "there should be no demonstrations, students should be in the classroom to study and approve the law Gelmini "why 'restores some' order '.
"We wish that there were no misunderstandings: Licio Gelli will not be 'the host of a program or a series of transmissions and but' loaned out to tell in front of TV cameras Odeon his memoirs, which will become material for historians of today and tomorrow. " Said the owner of Odeon Tv, Raymond Lagostena Netherlands, commenting on the reactions that followed the announcement of the participation of the venerable P2 to a new programming circuit television.
reactions concerned in the political world from the Senate Democratic Party leader, Anna Finocchiaro, which calls for a reaction to Berlusconi, indicated by Gelli as his heir, the Vice-President of the Chamber PDL, Osvaldo Naples, rejecting an "appreciation that turns into a poison for those who receive it", until the Democratic Party senator Vincenzo Vita asking for assistance from the Supervisor of Communications 'cause "the P2 nonpuo' go on the air." Same request from the Press Federation, which says: give space and 'insult to Italian history. For the UDC "bad teachers on TV destabilize the climate of the country. Spokeswoman Article 21 Giuseppe Giulietti and Senator Pd Vincenzo Vita chiedonol'intervento because of the Supervisor of Communications ', outlawed," the P2 can not' go on the air. "From the PDL shall be the Vice President for Members Osvaldo Napoli describing how" the support of the Government Gelli not 'been requested by anyone. Who from 'credit Fishing in troubled waters. "Licio Gelli and '" the singer "of Berlusconi. IDV leader, said Antonio di Pietro, who went on to say that Gelli" spoke to him, not to us, reminding him what to do "for" his oath and his card. "" The school, after the Justice and after the information, and 'another piece of the design of the venerable P2 Licio Gelli, who Berlusconi is achieved and that Gelli was praised, "he insisted Peter.
Friday, October 31, 2008
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by www.rainews24.it
Minister Maroni and explain what 'happened yesterday in Piazza Navona and clarify the presence of infiltrators. Then, resigned. And' what it wants on his blog Beppe Grillo after the incidents of guerrilla urban area of \u200b\u200bRome.
"Yesterday - Grillo writes - in Piazza Navona a truck was allowed to pass by the Police. In the truck there were helmets, bats, brass knuckles and maybe a dozen provocative. Provocateurs, not students. Provocateurs I beat up the students under eyes of the police. One of the challenging, as you can 'see from the video, and' loving relationships, great sympathy with the police, like a colleague.
"The square - continues the chronicle of Cricket - was packed. A truck thugs with clubs and could be there 'in only two cases:' cause it allowed the police on the orders of someone, 'cause the police did not govern the
square. Maroni, the Interior Minister, taking instructions, psychodwarf of a runner - he adds - and should explain what 'happened, and after resigning. "
For Grillo, and' the proof that" the policy and 'failure. The citizen can 'only talk to the police in riot estate. If the police is not enough, then there's the infiltrators, so 'the newspapers and television stations to the system can cry' clashes between students'. Journalists, there
ashamed? Your words are worse than the tri club squads of Piazza Navona.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
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the "confessions" of Cossiga. NOW FOR JUSTICE Giorgiana
The similarities with what Cossiga said today regarding the management of conflict over the square 70 can not fail to bring us back to Genoa. Undercover agents infiltrated the movement, cause, create the incident to trigger repression. A technical note that today, in front of the spread of the protests, will be seeking.
Alex Cardullo interviewed Alfio Nicotra, head of the department and Peace Movements of the PRC, a spokesman of the Genoa Social Forum during the days of the G8 in Genoa 2001
"You called Genoa, the G8, the death of Carlo Giuliani, the 'massacre' in police barracks, the similarities with what Cossiga said today in several interviews in which he offers advice on how to give the Minister Maroni "Mazzola" students, who manifest, as he did when he was killed Giorgiana Masi, 12 May 1977 while fleeing the Ponte Garibaldi, shot in the back by police firing. So I think that the judiciary has a duty to reopen the investigation. Even to me when I read the instructions for use, are reminded of those dramatic days. Cause, create the incident, then change to the repression techniques sadly notes that you want to propose today. "With these words
Alfio Nicotra, the national leadership of the communist PRC, head of" Peace Movements ", opens our conversation, pointing out that "Dazebao" gave much prominence to the fate of Cossiga calling and discounting the events of Genoa. "Then - Remember - I was one of the spokesmen of the "Genoa Social Forum: Before the police chief, De Gennaro, the then Minister Scajola, assured us that the police would not use weapons. We com 'is over. " Cossiga
So, shortly after the killing of Georgiana Masi, then chaired the House by Pietro Ingrao, declared that there were infiltrators in the police, who were undercover agents and that everything had happened because of the protesters . Then he changed his version several times and always said that the police had not fired. "We - again - the safety Cossiga we have lived on our skin when the" pickaxe "sat at the Interior Ministry. "
Remember Franco Fedeli, then director of the New Police, said that some pictures shown pictures of people not known to belong to the police, who also spoke of Gladio, the" pickaxe "well knows. The photos speak for themselves: there were people in civilian clothes, armed and protected by cordons of police. That day we never forget, as we have not forgotten Genoa when we had to organize the repression. From other countries, worried that they should take extra strength movements that were developing, were pressures to do so. "
Now the scenario has changed. The statements today disprove the allegations then. "We are closer to the truth," said Nicotra, so we are asking the courts to reopen the investigation. " Photos and pictures, testimony also indicated that the police had shot him, but this was not considered sufficient to detect or guilty. The investigation for murder in 1981 ended in a ruling by the court filing coach Claudio D'Angelo "have remained unknown to the offenders."
Back in those days. On May 12, the anniversary of the victory of the referendum on divorce, the radicals had decided to hold a sit-in in Piazza Navona. In Rome, the Interior Ministry, had come to the absolute prohibition to hold public demonstrations after the death of a police officer during clashes that had been. To enforce the ban which was a severe narrowing of the spaces of democracy, the Minister Cossiga deploys thousands of police and carabinieri in battle. The chronicles and we are witnesses, and between the police there were plainclothes special teams, also disguised as "independent."
the voltage to very high. Processions are formed. The police intervened to disperse those who manifest. The charges are violent, they are beaten even journalists and photographers. The police launched tear gas, shoot. A few minutes before 20 o'clock a violent charge. Two girls were hit by bullets fired from Ponte Garibaldi. There, perched on the bridge were policemen and carabinieri.
Giorgiana Masi, 19, Pasteur high school student, is shot in the back. For her there is no escape, died during transport to hospital. Elena Ascione, another young man is hit in the legs and he would manage. "This story, dramatic days of the Republic of blacks - said Nicotra - can not end like this, in the void of the unknown. Cossiga's interviews are a full-blown confession about how he, a minister, ruled public order between 1976 and 1978. Often we talk about mysteries inviolable. In this case, it may not be so, if you reopen the investigation. "
Rome, October 28, 2008 (www.dazebao.org)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
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Also at Urbino part a protest against the cuts at the University
Several hundred students, teachers and employees of the administrative staff attend the general meeting of the University of Urbino called by trade unions and representatives of teaching staff and TA to the Board.
Over the interventions were explained the reasons for the protest against the law 133/2008, a law that drastically reduced funding, it blocks 20% turnover, forcing universities to become private foundations.
In the coming days, the protest continues with the efforts of the students in the classroom teaching of the New C1 self-managed, while Tuesday, October 28 from 10.30 there will be a new assembly directly in the University Square Republic.
see also the blog of Students in Motion: www.uniurbinlotta.blogspot.com
http://lernestourbino.blogspot.com/ Visit the website for more information .
Friday, October 24, 2008
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Di Paolo Ferrero, the national secretary Prc
event October 17 - photo Flavia Fasano
It is no coincidence that the protests in schools, universities, public research institutions are widespread forms of taking a broad and generalized movement that not only regressive opposed to the wishes of the Berlusconi government, but also adds discussion, the overall passiveness and conformism.
And today, at a stage where the production of knowledge has become a central issue of development and contradictions of the capitalist, this movement puts on a great reading, go to the root, to understand the links between the government's handling of the crisis and the cuts to public education ("we will not pay for the crisis on his part"), including job cuts and cuts to the quality of knowledge and quality of the future ("not tagliateci the future ' ), including the impoverishment of educational processes and reducing the practicability of democratic spaces, including recession and repression.
The expansive nature of this movement seems to be based, therefore, the capacity for an overall response to the attack system (from elementary to research institutions) carried out by this government: the ultimate challenge to the social function of education and public research.
The impression is that you are setting a broader process that unites generations around the idea that the public good of knowledge is guaranteed to all and everyone. Parents, school and university students, graduate students, researchers precarious, technical and administrative workers, teachers of all levels are now united in the fight against the government's aim to dispose of the structure of public education by going to affect the basic principles of our Constitution Republic.
It 's a movement that is born in schools and universities but it speaks to society as a whole, occupying not only the streets, but the city. The world is shaken by the crisis in financial markets and a capitalist mode of production that proves not to be compatible with human development and the aspiration to a democratic society where economic development and social welfare move in unison. The Berlusconi government instead to pursue a serious policy to support demand, increasing by one hand, the purchasing power of households and other spaces expanding access to knowledge, a vital resource to produce a quality development of contemporary societies, meets the crisis in a regressive way, showing her full face reactionary.
And then the wicked option offered to schools and universities, land-cut in public funding, to become de facto foundations giving to individuals the ability to manage resources and public facilities, heavily influencing the formation and research in our country. Not to mention the emptying of full-time, instead of being extended to those realities, particularly the south, where it has never really been applied, is reduced or at least meaningless, while the re-entry the "single master" and vote in the duct will be seeking a model of hierarchical and authoritarian school.
This is the company that offers the right . Where the school is reduced to conformity and fitness of research precarious, slave to the whims of a volatile market. The other aspect of the government's handling of the recession is repressive authoritarianism: the army in the city at 5 in the threat of police conduct in universities. This movement, however, is too large and the threat of force is not able to stop him.
On the one hand, we have a government that offers us classism, police state, institutional racism, including through the establishment of separate classes for migrant citizens, the other a full articulation of social bares the King, showing all the democratic vitality, anger but also the joy of a company wishing to investment in knowledge as a common good.
We must do movement, for its growth and its victory. We must work to effectively settle the fight for knowledge as a common good with the fight against inflation. There are two aspects of the same coin, he understood the movement he can understand the majority of the country. The outlet's political movement and its victory, that the withdrawal of the decree Gelmini. A political solution that we have to work, both inside the movement is spreading as much as possible the mobilization against high prices. At the conference we had gambled on the possibility to create a warm autumn. Now the temperature has already risen a lot, 'our job to find the links between social problems and widespread fighting between the government and fighting against the Confindustria our duty to work to broaden the movement. "The crisis we will not pay" must become our watchword, since the mobilization of 25.
Rome, October 24, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Kamehasutra 2 Pl Online
THE AXIS OF GOOD: Fulvio Grimaldi URBINO THURSDAY 'October 16
Thursday, October 16th journalist Fulvio Grimaldi (ex tg3, former liberation) will attend to present his Urbino The new video axis of good. Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador: where the left and the book is "MOTHER, I LOST THE LEFT!" , ed. MalatemporaThe presentation will be preceded by a reception accompanied by live music duo of Manuel and Mattia Lorenzetti Ambrogiani. It starts at 20.00 in the lobby of the College of Raphael and go in the Hall Serpieri.
E 'and an initiative of the Young Communists of Urbino and of the cultural Machine World
Alexos Texas No Black Guys
Piero Calamandrei:
" " Let's say, so theoretically, there is a party power, a ruling party, which, however, formally wants to respect the constitution, not want to violate the substance. Does not want to march on Rome and transform the classroom into a space for presentation; but wants to establish, without opinion, a disguised dictatorship. So, what to do to gain control of the schools and to turn state schools into Party schools? He realizes that the schools have been the defect of being impartial. There is some resistance, in those schools is always there, even under fascism has been there. Then, the dominant party follows another path (it's all a theoretical hypothesis, mind you). He begins to neglect the public schools, to discredit, to impoverish. Let anemizzino and that begins to favor private schools. Not all private schools. The schools of his party, that party. And then all these treatments are beginning to go to private schools. Cure of money and privileges. He even begins to advise the boys to go to these schools, because basically it says are better than those of the state. And perhaps we give prizes to those citizens who are willing to send their children to public schools instead cha to private schools. A "those" private schools. So the private school becomes a privileged school. The ruling party, unable to openly turn state schools into party schools, send the dogs to schools to give priority to the state's private schools. Attention, this is the recipe. We must keep an eye on the cooks in this slow cooking. The operation is done in three ways, as I have already said, ruining the schools of the state. Let go to hell. Depleting their budgets. Ignore their needs. Mitigate the supervision and control over private schools. Do not check its reliability. Let the teachers teach you that do not have the minimum qualifications to teach. Let the examinations are jokes. Giving public money to private schools. This is the point. Giving public money to private schools " " | |
| ( in the Democratic School, March 20, 1950. ) |
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Shannon Whirry Sliver
the Machine World No. 5 / June
the electoral disaster of "The Left
a drubbing from which we can learn, among other things, the following conclusion: the Italian left needs of a force independent community, which does not hide its symbols, nor the identity community: renounce the symbols is the first step in the denial of the ideals connected to them. Is emblematic in this regard, the political-ideological drift that has passed through the PCI leaders liquidationists (Occhetto head) gave rise to the PDS, then DS now and then PD, a Party, the latter consisting of poor appears , and many even be offended just to feel vaguely defined as "left"!
is for this reason that it is already implementing a new initiative, aimed at the creation from scratch of a party Communist who should collect most of the various currents of communist-style under the aegis of authoritative intellectuals, such as Luciano Canfora, Domenico Losurdo and other - as Ugo Dotti and Gianni Vattimo - , together with the presence of characters politicians of the caliber of Oliviero Diliberto and Fosco Giannini and laborers as Ciro Argentino, Thyssen Krupp.
The appeal, which was published following (pp. 3 ff.) And we encourage you to support, was launched April 17 in major national newspapers and has already received broad support and numerous accessions.
What we are facing is a major challenge: how a phoenix we have to rise from our ashes, putting together the pieces of the building has crumbled to build a new, even able to withstand the shocks that have destroyed the first.
* AAVV Communist and Communists, let us begin with
[Appeal published April 17 on the main Italian newspapers]
* Stephen G. Azzarà Bridging Community, divided opposition
[community today: what to do?]
* Leonardo Pegoraro Urbino and the closure of the premises required for the two
[Young people in Urbino. A constructive proposal]
* Id., (Ed.) The Odyssey of the five Cubans
[Interview with Angelo Ferracuti, writer Marche]
* Nicola Serafini The tyranny in ancient Greece
[Historical Examination of the phenomenon and its effects were "positive"]
* Leonardo Pegoraro The Indian
[The Indian in massacres, deportations and the beginning of apartheid '800 now]
* Emilio Alessandrini Paul Volponi and the ecological question
[Contradiction capital-environment in literature]
* Nicola Serafini Commentaries Leonardum Pegorarum dial
[Analysis and comment on a poem composed by Leonardo Pegoraro]
* Id. Echo and Narcissus
[Brief reworking of the myth greek Echo and Narcissus]
* James Torrico Erinnidi and Poetry of the Son of Man
- Read more here: http://www.lamacchinamondiale5.blogspot.com/
Friday, July 4, 2008
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Suggestions for congressional action
Leonardo Pegoraro
GC Coordinator of Urbino and editor of "World Machine"
1. The coup Bertinotti.
Care companions and dear friends,
what we are experiencing is a Congress that, as you know, not taken in its natural end. Last winter it was postponed sine die, or better, aside from the majority party, through a real coup. Why such contempt for democratic rules internal? Why are party leaders (Bertinotti on top), facing the possibility of putting an end once and for all theoretical and practical experience in communication and its organizational autonomy, they played all out and, aware of the opposition of most of membership, for this reason have found themselves "forced" to violate every rule of the statutes of our Democratic Party in order to transform it, with a coup by Communist Refoundation to common liquids. Always and only minimally without consulting its base. Dissolving the party that is so top-down and inside politicistico the Rainbow Left, a container, this no longer Communist vaguely left-wing, moderate and programmatically subordinate to the logic of the system - just think of the point where we said we had to approve the war if it was endorsed by the UN. Is clear: this was the price paid for a cold blend with whom as Mussi, a pro-imperialist warmonger who, after having fought for the dissolution of the PCI and after sharing the history of the PDS first and then the DS, had voted and supported with drawn sword the criminal bombing of Belgrade and the carnage of innocent civilians - still affected by the disastrous effects of depleted uranium dropped on those lands under the direct responsibility of the D'Alema government!
There is no doubt that the price paid for the construction of the Rainbow Left has been extremely high and, as I just demonstrated, in programmatic terms, both in electoral terms (a measly 3.1%) and, as I said, with regard to respect for the status of the party and internal democracy. I recall that on this is a very serious happened. In its report to NPC on "criteria and procedures for the nominations" Comrade Frank Ferrara, a member of the National Secretariat and head of the Organization about the "internal pluralism", said
"I think [...] that those companies s that [...] in practice an effective opposition to the system total of how democratic and how we set ourselves on the side of politics, can not by their very legitimate choice, to represent the party in the parliamentary team. "
Well mates, this statement of Comrade Ferrara violates article 3 of the Statute violates Article .5, Article 7 and Article .8. This fact guarantees the right of "plurality of positions that can express themselves freely and in a transparent manner through various forms of aggregations or trends, both at conferences and in the course of debates on issues of great political importance." Viola .57 Finally, the art that, in the specific "charges public and elected, "says that" while respecting the constraint on the majority of alliances and political decisions adopted by the governing bodies, in elected positions should be valued the diversity of experience and subjectivity within the party. "
In short, the leadership, at the last general election, making a distinction between "good minority" and "bad minority" might well justify the non-application of the representatives of the Ernest: from Fosco Giannini and Gian Luigi Pegolo - now one of the signatories the third point - which, not sold and not giving in to blackmail the majority, had consistently adhered to an event that sought to maintain names, symbols, and joint programming content. Their non-candidacy was a horror that undemocratic, together with the expulsions and actual expulsions, no doubt recalls the darkest pages of the experience of real socialism. There is no doubt that they are practical, such as that, precisely, the expulsion of partners that do not conform to the ideological dictates of the charismatic leader undisputed, that certainly does not belong to the best tradition of socialism realized. It should be noted that the farcical situation we are living in want, having said left and right that Lenin and other leaders of the communist movement of the twentieth century are all dead not only physically, after deleting a sponge with practical experience - and very largely theoretical - of communism, some have learned so detached, but burying the merits and inheriting the worst aspects. In the face of criticism of Stalinism! It seems clear that we are facing a difficult test of hypocrisy unmatched and unparalleled.
2. The motion and the motion Grassi-Ferrero Vendola. Two sides of one coin.
We come to the Congress that we are facing and let us look at the first two motions. The ex-bertinottiana majority party has been split into two components which are in two different motions: the first and second, respectively, and Ferrero Vendola. But in reality, many would say they are mystified reality. We must not regard them as two opposing motions that emerge easily, even after a first superficial reading, line and relative to the proposed strategic move on the same wavelength. What differentiates them is the way, the timing and the tactics they intend to implement to achieve the same end: that is to say, the passing of the organizational community through a cold fusion forces left, as it offers an explicit second motion (Vendola) or a federation, as proposed by the first motion (Ferrero - Grassi). In short, there are two sides of same coin as two variants of the same strategic perspective. Thus, even assuming that this "difference" is real and sincere and who is not only staged specifically to enable them to always occupy the highest positions of power, which, in fact, distinguishes them is a kind of empirical dissent: that you share the same project but not the process through which to implement it. The writer within a single conceptual framework.
should however be noted that if, on the one hand, Vendola has a habit of blindness due to an inability to make a minimum of self-criticism, on the other hand, has the virtue of honesty and transparency, "says In fact, it is necessary to definitively overcome any cultural reference and re-establish a common practice and left without adjectives, in the name of moderation and dialogue with the PD. It proposes, in a nutshell, the project of Rainbow Left, changing only the name. The first point is rather more ambiguous and therefore more dangerous. Conduct a 'self-criticism, and most hypocritically late incomplete. Self-criticism comes too late: only after the catastrophe, and when there is a candidate to lead the party, when those who today support the third motion had sharply criticized the errors of the majority from the beginning, step by step, and forced to suffer for this exclusion, expulsion, deportation or even non-candidacy, according to a major anti-democratic and which Ferrero has always been a supporter guilty. The fake self-criticism is also quite incomplete because, as I said, the project itself does not stigmatize the Rainbow Left, to use the same words of the first document, one speaks of the need to "reverse the process" and not the project of the Rainbow Left , then one speaks of "re-foundation of the Left" and never, even by mistake, re-founding of a communist party, is proposed to build a "case of the left". And finally, you re-enable the now moribund "path European Left "! As if this was not the first step in a process that has also seen its peak and catastrophic bankruptcy in the construction of the Rainbow Left! Both of these projects, strategically a mirror of the other, they shared the communists, they have weakened and deprived of their autonomy. In this regard, just think of the fact that the European Left, rather than join the European communist parties held a half out of it. What about the Rainbow Left, just think of the fact that the sum of the votes taken criticism from Left and the Communist Party of Workers, 1, 1%, ie 20% of the vote that PRC had obtained in the 2006 elections, it would enough for us to reach a quorum in the last election.
3. The unfounded criticism of the "constituent Communist."
These assessments show clearly that it is completely unsubstantiated, sectarian and, ultimately, the utopian claim, as the document Grassi-Ferrero, the proposal of the "constituent of the left" of the second document, as well as "common constituent" of the third document proposing the split of the left and that this should be instead held together in a single container. But they have not yet figured out that the forces to the left of the PD is composed of two different souls? One is Communist and the other is not a communist. This difference is in the nature of things and not be impeded artificial. It should indeed encouraging. Otherwise it will not be possible to promote the pact of unity of action between the forces of the left, a deal on a programmatic, today, the advancing of a right of the most reactionary of Europe, it is increasingly urgent. Only a pact of unity of action of the leftist parties and movements guarantees and safeguards the autonomy of each, thus avoiding the dangerous and precipitation organizzativistiche cage "for a reduction," which, historically, a truth confirmed by the last elections , has always brought bad. I mean you can not think of concentrating in a single container, two souls, so can have points in common - and it is these that must be built on an alliance, in fact, program - but are strategically different. Since the soul is placed in front of the communist world and the battles we face to face with an attitude radically overcoming of capitalism. The soul of the non-communist left-arises in cases with an attitude consistent face, at most, to counteract the effects, so to speak, the more savage capitalism, by yielding an end to this, the last step, the strategy and, at Moreover, half, the first step, the tactic to pursue the construction of a society and a new state model in the usual sense. On the one hand, we have therefore a logical compatibility (or rather social democratic-style, non-communist) on the other hand we have a radical logic (communist-style).
So as you can see, although some may seem paradoxical, it is the proposal of the motion Ferrero-fats to produce, if carried out, a dangerous split in the left, from that community.
Why do not we just begin to unite communists, as we call it the same way?! Yes we can live together despite their differences at a tactical level that exist and always have existed, in one party and then be the pioneers and promoters of the necessary unity of all the Italian left. But after hearing how the document
Ferrero liquid constituent of the Communist proposal: it is "wrong because it is based solely on the basis of ideological and symbolic, with no breath to movement planning and openness." To be ideological (in the worst sense of the term, as Gramsci pointed out) seems to be this one argument made by ferreriani and grassiani, since, if only they had put aside the first and second anti-opportunism, not could never support such a falsehood, because the appeal united community, we broadly supported the third point, having started out saying, "We are Communists and Communists of our time. We chose to stay in their movements and social conflict, "says explicitly to address" youth movements, feminists, environmentalists, civil rights and the fight against sex discrimination ... the movement against the war, internationalist ". From these few words of the appeal seems that this is characterized by a programmatic approach without a breath and closed to the movement?
is not credible to those who lie shamelessly: the first motion silt reality, says he wants to keep up but Rifondazione within a federation that would make the party just a toy for the militants in order to accustom them, over time, all converge into a single entity vaguely left. The same, again, who want to build vendoliani - not the case until the day before yesterday they were both part of that majority. But if they want to do from the first down and after a while 'time, and immediately on others. In the words of Gramsci, the Lyons Congress of PCI, in either case we are faced to the 'emergence of right-wing deviations "as" a true platform of the right "would pass the idea that "Social Democracy think of it as the left wing of the bourgeoisie, but as the right wing of the proletariat. "
4. The AKEL, PCP, KKE and the European Left. Two divergent strategic perspectives.
If it were not jeopardize the future existence of a communist party in Italy, would be observed smiling, always in the first document, as the experiences of European Marxist-Leninist communist parties which AKEL of Cyprus, which has recently gained the presidency of the country, the Portuguese Communist Party (PCP) and Greek (KKE), well away from any attempt to communist liquidation and, on a tactical alliance with the center-left of respective countries, the European Left-turn is that, just for being a political non-communist, has been widely and consistently opposed from these parties that the document also seems to praise without saying, however, that if you stand up and enhance their consensus is precisely because they deny their identity and reject any notion of federation type of ominous because it means losing independence and sovereignty and any suggestion of "party-light", and likely to degenerate leaderisitiche plebiscite. Ferrero, on the contrary, this was clear: "I think an association with persons other than [...]. It can weigh up to 50% participation of parties and the individual. "
At this point we are often accused of identity. Now, to prove that deleting a name and a symbol not just a matter of form but of substance I might remind you of the sad results of the PCI became PDS, then DS and PD. I want instead to talk about something that is passed over in silence. On 9 May 2007, after the choice of the fascist government of Estonia to remove a monument to fallen Soviet Army in the fight against the Nazi-Fascist barbarity, the EL with the greek Synaspismos (also regarded with admiration by Ferrero) , groups in the Scandinavian countries and most members of the PCF and the German PDS vote in favor of a motion in solidarity with the behavior of the authorities in Estonia and more than justified the condemnation indignant reaction of the Russians. All under the banner of anti-communism and revisionism. On the other hand, to defend the historical memory of a country that, despite the objective difficulties besetting, has contributed in terms of human lives, more than any other to the capitulation of Nazi-fascism we thought rather than the Communist Party of Czech-Moravian and PdCI, the Greek Communists, the Communist Party of Portuguese el'AKEL Cyprus. Just the three parties appointed by the first document in the European Left side without saying, however, that, as we have just seen, not at all share the same strategic perspective, we have indeed new to some of the other communist parties and a party of the left, but that is not communist and who does not want to be read. So, once again it is obvious distortion of the reality of the operation carried out by ferreriani and grassiani.
5. The contradictions of the "be expedient."
As for grassiani I can not fail to point out that they are hypocrites and opportunists attached to every bit of power whenever there is an opportunity. Burgio fat and have always opposed the project of the European Left, and now, as if by magic, are faced with a sword! They have always rejected by the Communists, the moral peace, or rather "pacifinta" as noted by someone (Fulvio Grimaldi), this dogma of the neo-Gandhi sauce bertinottiana; absolutization Manichean that does not take into account the least, as rightly Muzzioli Today, the latest issue of Marxism - that the Executive Committee is a member Burgio! - "The struggle for justice will also be a battle tomorrow" in situation ", historically detailed, so it will not be - as it has never been in the past - only the will of the people involved to decide how you will deliver and by what means, but also the weight of external circumstances. " There is no doubt that the area should be Communists called by its true name and that area "be expedient, since, while on a cultural positions have always opposed, say a document setting out pacifism as dogma. And there's more: a speech exactly like it could be done to the unfortunate vicissitudes and the adventures he has lived, in spite of himself, the category of imperialism. Burgio fat and have always refused the cancellation of this term and its meaning from the accompanying ideological party, but this term never occurs in the pages of the document Ferrero-fats, not even by accident. The document speaks only of globalization. In this connection one need only recall the fact that, even if on purpose, Gianni Fresu, among the first signatories of the document and exponent of "Being opportunistic, at the Ernest of the November / December 2006, published an essay sott'intitolato:" Globalization as a new false consciousness of ideology liberal. " Where he states: "globalists and anti-globalists are united by sharing a similar analytical framework of international dynamics, although then brought back to political positions on opposite sides. Global global and not expressed in several situations both approaches mirror. " But Fresu today sign a document that undermined the congressional class of imperialism to rehabilitate that of globalization. So I exaggerate when I say that we are facing a test of extreme opportunism and shameless?! The document then speaks of "strategic choice of internal movements." In this regard, reference to what he wrote Burgio relation to the G8 summit in Genoa and to the relationship, he said, the party had to take, or rather not had to take, with the movements. Emerge a new line of radical change that can be explained again with only the worst opportunism.
6. No change gattopardeschi, yes to the re-establishment of a communist party.
Comrades, do you really think we can avoid past mistakes in the future whether to head the party there will be same people who guided him until now?! And what's more with this dose of hypocrisy and opportunism?! Should be taken up more humility and a fierce self-criticism by those who proposed, or rather imposed models and policies that have failed. Even the hope that it could survive the capacity for self-criticism has gone up in smoke after the process started decomunistizzazione during recent years by the majority. Self-criticism is one of the best teachings of Marxist class. Practice - theory - practice does not tell us anything? In short, what has astonished us most is that after the electoral disaster of "Arlecchino Left" of which the leadership of Party has all the responsibility, there are still those, like Nichi Vendola Paolo Ferrero, also has the chutzpah to indicate a solution. But what credibility if they were to throw in the catastrophe and, in fact incapable of true self-criticism, offer models that differ little from those so far (unsuccessfully) tried out or, worse, as we have seen, refer to them verbatim?
Comrades, let us look in the eye with sincerity, we know that it is highly likely to win the conference at national level - and then to lead the party - will be the first or second motion. And we also know that in either case to hold the levers of command of the direction the party will remain the same. We will meet as a party led by Ferrero, Mantovani, fat, or from Vendola Burgio, Bertinotti, Best, Gagliardi, Gianni. Or maybe all these put together, although there is also the possibility of an agreement, or rather a mess of post-meeting between these two motions. The staged showdown between the two wings of the former majority, I want to reiterate, are fictitious and propaganda: the end is not really challenge the errors of the line followed so far, but to win and consolidate command posts. It seems that a clash of assisting fake staged as equipment, designed to get around, once again, the basis of party - what little remains. Which resembles the contrast at the level of national party system, including PD and PDL: are also two sides of one coin. I think that this offends the first subject that we represent.
In the words of Che Guevara, we need instead of bread as less climbing and more asceticism, which is essential, the latter to regain a minimum of credibility among the lower classes who want to represent.
As the prince Don Fabrizio of Salina in The Leopard, everything changes because nothing changes.
is, unfortunately, the same logic seems to be pessimistic that gripped the outcome of this Congress, which will produce exactly gattopardesco a change.
is why, comrades, and I start to conclusion, I ask you with all my heart not to choose either the sincere liquidationists the second motion or, even worse, the opportunists of the first liquidationists but to vote for the Communists, third vote for the motion. It has joined the L'Ernesto area but at the same time transverse motions to the Congress in Venice, there are ex-comrades of the former, and ferrandiani turigliattiani remained in the party. From below, by the appeal of Florence and the motion of the 100 clubs who want a communist party with the times and mass bases, democratic inside. The
third point is really the only alternative because it is the only one to address the issue of reconstruction of a union to fight in Italy, suggesting the unity of all areas of labor class, and out of the CGIL. As regards, for example, the CGIL think of his wings from the left: that is to say, Labour and Society, the Network on April 28 and Fiom.
I ask you to support the third point because it is the only one that says in no uncertain terms to fight against imperialism, supporting the oppressed peoples in their struggle for liberation, from Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Haiti and Somalia. Raising the internationalism and solidarity among peoples and the working classes all over the world.
is the only one, our motion, dismissing two Manichaean attitudes which, although of opposite sign, moving on the same wavelength, unable to engage in a serious investigation of our historical role. I refer on the one hand and the other nostalgic attitude to the liquidationist.
is the only one that calls on party leaders to take a step back and let the people control who has shown, plus a spirit of self-sacrifice, to have more skills and expertise, know-how, thanks to the conceptual tools of Marxism -Leninism never abandoned, a reading of the actual concrete situation of the phase we are living.
We think that we need to build a communist party in Italy, thus dividing the original design of the PRC. In fact, the Communist Refoundation party itself was designed not as an individual self but as a transitory moment face to join all the other boys and girls of the country, thereby ending the communist Italian diaspora.
Only a communist party can overcome the difficult challenge of joining, making a synthesis of all instances of conflict and all the contradictions unitematici taken individually by the various movements with which you need a dialectical relationship, thus avoiding both an attitude of subordination is merely an attitude of complete detachment.
Today Italian left needs a strong independent community, which does not hide its symbols or its communist identity because, as demonstrated by historical experience of every kind, denying the symbols is the first step in the denial of the ideals connected to them.
What we are facing is a major challenge: how a phoenix we have to rise from our ashes, putting together the pieces of the building has crumbled to build a new, even able to withstand the shocks that have destroyed the first.
And this new building will fight the lies of the dominant ideology and face the struggle against capitalism and the horrors that produces only if it can acquire a common identity and revolutionary!