by PeaceReporter
Parliament approved without objection and vote plebiscite increased expenditure by 38 percent in funding the war in Afghanistan.
40 million per month. Last night the Senate unanimously approved a decree law (n.209 of 30 December 2008), which refinances all Italian military missions abroad. The Chamber of Deputies had approved last January 21 with only two votes against and four abstentions.
For the Italian participation in the NATO mission in Afghanistan (ISAF) has been allocated over € 242 million over the next six months, or about 40 million per month - in 2008 the mission had cost 29 million per month.
2,500 paratroopers of the Folgore. The increase in costs is due to the large increase of troops and equipment sent to the front by the government at the request of the United States - not counting the temporary dispatch of reinforcements for the presidential elections in August. In the coming months, with the arrival of 2,500 paratroopers of the 'Thunderbolt' (in place of the mountain 'Julia') and other helicopter gunships (with its crew), the Italian contingent fee will exceed 3,000. Costs will rise further when the previously announced will become effective removing remaining restrictions that prevent our soldiers to conduct offensive operations and our Tornado to drop bombs.
"NGOs go away." The militaristic approach of the new Italian policy in Afghanistan is also evident from the invitation to the informal Foreign Ministry yesterday sent the Italian NGOs working in Afghanistan with the Italian Cooperation ( Cesvi , GVC and Intersos ), suggesting them to withdraw from the country around the Italian personnel for security reasons. Invitation to the NGOs have already returned to the sender, asking that the government puts at the heart of its strategy to respond to the needs and expectations of the Afghans, "because all focusing on military force" is not just the Taliban to expel the foreigners, but all Afghan people, "as stated Nino Sergi, Secretary General Intersos.
"Italy player. "The invitation to the Italian NGOs to leave the country terrifies us," reads the website of . "This seems to be the culmination of a strategy of constant and targeted exclusion of any military presence, after the clumsy attempt to remove the decree missions, which refinances the military presence abroad, including money reserved for the few civilian activities of reconciliation and peace-building. "
But the Italian government cares only to impress the U.S. and its European allies: the sending of reinforcements, Frattini said, "is a sign of commitment leading to Italy feels like a moral duty towards the international community. "
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