Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sires Equivalent à Jibjabs
"Today I feel the need for an organized party and be part of" Internet Scroll
the press release: Palestine is no longer on the front pages of major newspapers, including the important news. No surprise: there are no other suffering people never even arrived. Almost by chance meeting in the old post some photos taken in Tulkarem, three years ago when I went to watch the elections with boys and girls of the Young Communist League and we are in a group, smiling, someone holds the raised arm, his hand close to hand: an act of identity? Much has happened in the past three years, the Social forum, which was our hope, born of the spirit of Genoa in 2001, have mostly melted like snow in the sun, some of those guys have gone "beyond", where I is clear and what is worse, I fear it is not clear even to themselves. We are facing a serious economic crisis the result of twenty years of neoliberal policies that have precarious jobs, cut wages and increase the wealth of thieves and fraudsters. The factories close, workers continue to die.
There is no security for them. Likely to clear the national labor contract, collective guarantees disappear ie wages and rights, won through many years of struggles. In return, reappear batons against the workers, Pomigliano, dell'Innse against workers in Milan. There is no security for those who defend their territory, their children's lives: hard-line law enforcement against the No dal Molin Vicenza, a city of art with military curfews. As in the Susa Valley, allegedly with the power to manage the peaceful protest of the inhabitants. But the "great information" does not mention it. There is no security even for women in the streets of our cities and especially in the home, because there will certainly be more repressive laws, to defend them, but a culture more widely, more attention to the problems of individuals, greater participation in the life in cities. "Ser cult es libre de ser el único way," recalled José Martí in the nineteenth century, but here the culture is humiliated every day, the impoverished public school: it is better not to raise young citizens capable of thinking for themselves because they might someday become truly free men and women. There is no longer even hope to die peacefully. In exchange for returning the racial laws.
witnessing daily coups against justice and civility: doctors turned into spies against the sick poor, so poor that they even have a document notarized patrols, investigate the affairs of lorsignori prohibited. Ordinary laws are voted in Parliament that the Constitution meaningless. In this scenario the opposition sometimes chirps with the majority, sometimes stutters, what was once the social block of the left is crumbling.
And then I heard, I feel the need for an organized party, and part of it. A party with clear ideas. I know their roots and know even recognize their own mistakes; determined to be always on the side of those most vulnerable, exploited, robbed of their rights violated in body and in life. I want to be able to discuss in an organization with strong in-house and then declare openly what they think and work to achieve the objectives identified, able to intervene where it opens a conflict, and that when he decides to stand alongside large spontaneous movements , as small businesses, then do not abandon them; also able to expose the contradictions and give rise to new conflicts. I want a party determined to awaken consciences, always willing to confront and work with other organizations, whenever that is possible, without preconditions but with no failure: a party with clear ideas, of course.
And I want my party face school teacher and knows how to do: he must know first of all listen to the boys and girls, do not promise easy political careers but by teaching both the theory as a rigorous daily practice. Because it is true that many young people are disgusted by politics and think that it is worthwhile to act in a society like ours, but we must be able to demonstrate, as they say the Mothers of Argentina, the only battle lost is that which is abandoned. We will succeed if we can be honest, if we put aside personalities, leaders ... do not you climb a mountain, no one wins the top by yourself: you win all together, each with its own backpack, with its load of wealth and mistakes, but together.
That's it I think of my PRC. But if I really want to be ever more so, and increasingly large, we have to stay inside. And working.
Haidi Giuliani Gaggio
Thursday, February 19, 2009
How To Fix A Split In Your Snowboard
by PeaceReporter
Parliament approved without objection and vote plebiscite increased expenditure by 38 percent in funding the war in Afghanistan.
40 million per month. Last night the Senate unanimously approved a decree law (n.209 of 30 December 2008), which refinances all Italian military missions abroad. The Chamber of Deputies had approved last January 21 with only two votes against and four abstentions.
For the Italian participation in the NATO mission in Afghanistan (ISAF) has been allocated over € 242 million over the next six months, or about 40 million per month - in 2008 the mission had cost 29 million per month.
2,500 paratroopers of the Folgore. The increase in costs is due to the large increase of troops and equipment sent to the front by the government at the request of the United States - not counting the temporary dispatch of reinforcements for the presidential elections in August. In the coming months, with the arrival of 2,500 paratroopers of the 'Thunderbolt' (in place of the mountain 'Julia') and other helicopter gunships (with its crew), the Italian contingent fee will exceed 3,000. Costs will rise further when the previously announced will become effective removing remaining restrictions that prevent our soldiers to conduct offensive operations and our Tornado to drop bombs.
"NGOs go away." The militaristic approach of the new Italian policy in Afghanistan is also evident from the invitation to the informal Foreign Ministry yesterday sent the Italian NGOs working in Afghanistan with the Italian Cooperation ( Cesvi , GVC and Intersos ), suggesting them to withdraw from the country around the Italian personnel for security reasons. Invitation to the NGOs have already returned to the sender, asking that the government puts at the heart of its strategy to respond to the needs and expectations of the Afghans, "because all focusing on military force" is not just the Taliban to expel the foreigners, but all Afghan people, "as stated Nino Sergi, Secretary General Intersos.
"Italy player. "The invitation to the Italian NGOs to leave the country terrifies us," reads the website of Afgana.org . "This seems to be the culmination of a strategy of constant and targeted exclusion of any military presence, after the clumsy attempt to remove the decree missions, which refinances the military presence abroad, including money reserved for the few civilian activities of reconciliation and peace-building. "
But the Italian government cares only to impress the U.S. and its European allies: the sending of reinforcements, Frattini said, "is a sign of commitment leading to Italy feels like a moral duty towards the international community. "
Friday, February 13, 2009
Tom Delonge Adventure Jacket
Stalin's repressions and myths of the West Liberal
of Leonardo Pegoraro
Published Mating Anno17 - 1
Come to think of the portrayal of Robespierre as a genocidal monster, drawn so consistent - in France in 1794 - by his opponents on the left (the babeufiani) and right (i Thermidorians). Only now are the "anti-Stalinist communists" (more or less chrusceviani and Trotsky) and "Anti-Stalinist liberals" to portray the successor of Lenin as a "huge, dark, whimsical, degenerate human monster." Consequently, as Hannah Arendt explains the concept of totalitarianism and the related theorem of elective affinities between Hitler and Stalin, Trotsky used his part to the category of "totalitarian dictatorship," a distinction within this genus between the species "Stalinist" and the "fascist" (and especially Hitler). And to think that Stalin, before the outbreak of the Cold War and especially the Khrushchev Report (1956), could also be compared or even appreciation even among the ranks of his enemies, such as Churchill, the same or Bobbio Arendt on the one hand and, on the other, Trotskyists Deutscher!
From those beginnings, says Domenico Losurdo, which should start with a balanced analysis of the figure of the Russian statesman ( Stalin. History and criticism of a black legend , Carocci, Rome 2008, pp . 382, \u200b\u200b€ 29.5, with an essay by Luciano Canfora). Losurdo is intended primarily to remove stereotypes and clichés erected by the dominant historiography today unquestionable truth. The historian who is faced with attitudes such as the Manichean demonization or condoning Stalin In fact, should be concerned to distance themselves from both rather than to favor one or the other. Hence the need for epistemological repeatedly emphasized in this book, to use a comparative approach across the board.
analyzing one of the most common places die-hards, that the "cult of personality", for example, Losurdo asks: But if Stalin is very vain and narcissistic as suffering from such delusions to explain his refusal to conclusion of the Great Patriotic War, the title "Hero of the Soviet Union"? Dominant historiography is then removed from his will, unlike Truman, and Churchill, to shun any 'rhetorical emphasis [...] at the Potsdam Conference. " And while liberal writers such as Giovanni Sartori ostinino talking about Leninism-Stalinism, then gives to think that Stalin respond badly to those who, like Kaganovich, the proposed establishment of this new category ("fuck you want to compare with the tower the fire! "). The need for comparative studies, moreover, can not save the United States of FD Roosevelt. With him, at least that of his opponents, because of widespread abuse of executive power "totalitarianism and the cult of personality had crossed the Atlantic ':' what happens during the Great Depression (when to say the indictment is, in particular former President Hoover), and especially in the months preceding the intervention in World War II (when Senator Burton K. Wheeler accused Franklin Roosevelt for a "dictatorial power" and promote a totalitarian form of government ")." No coincidence "the man in the street" look "to him" almost as you look to God '"and hopes" to be able to one day place "in the pantheon of immortals, next to Jesus."
however, points out immediately Losurdo, the personalization of power and the cult of personality they have an 'only in embryonic form in the North American Republic, protected from any invasion attempt by the ocean and back on a political tradition quite different from that of Russia. " This makes us understand that to properly use a comparative approach is not just a historical phenomenon, and only seconds to analyze diverse space-time parameters, ie, in different historical periods and in most countries. What's more, you must consider what are the objective conditions prevailing in the country concerned, since "it is methodologically incorrect a comparative comparing a state of normalcy and an acute state of exception."
Therefore, if the usual comparative , all committed to building the "myth of the twin monsters 'by' veterans to hitlerum " of Stalin, he insists only to highlight the similarities between the Stalinist experience (and, synecdoche, communism as a whole) and the Nazi Losurdo part of the historical debate what it calls the "Third absent ', ie the liberal West. The result of this operation is totally unexpected if you browse a historical reconstruction of the universe compared to the concentration camp. It turns out that if that is to characterize the Gulag is the despecificazione on moral and political basis, to characterize the concentration camp in German and also the U.S. (think of the Japanese Americans deported from FD Roosevelt to concentration camps or even to 1948) is instead based despecificazione-racial nature. If that is, Losurdo writes, "the prisoner in the Gulag is a potential" partner "[the guard was obliged to call it that way] and after 1937 [the beginning of the period of the Great Terror that followed the assassination of Kirov] is however, a "citizen", the prisoner in Nazi concentration camps is primarily the ' Untermensch , forever marked by its location or racial degeneration. " In other words, while the Soviet Gulag does not exclude the possibility of salvation or even social promotion, the Jew in Nazi concentration camps, how long the black enslaved in the southern United States, is offering no escape or emancipation.
This, mind you, by no means refrain from condemning the Soviet concentration camp universe. But wanting to establish a comparison between the different experiences of concentration camps, the analogy seems more relevant is not already in the Soviet Gulag and the Nazi concentration camps, but between it and the universe colonial concentration camp. E 'therefore the liberal West and not the USSR to resort to a category, that of race, that speech is central to the Nazi USA, "the Japanese are branded as" subhuman "[...] And here we are again brought back talk when we see FDR entertaining the idea of" castration "to be imposed the Germans "." No coincidence that Stalin declared in the wake of Lenin, the need to equate "white and black, European and Asian", "" civil "and" uncivilized "," while at the same time Churchill celebrates the superiority of ' English-speaking white people (white Inglese-Speaking people ). Or, if the leader of the USSR describes the First World War and the liberal and bourgeois society that generated it as a "bloody massacre" and a "mass extermination of the living forces of the people," Churchill said rather enthusiastically that "the war is a game in which you have to smile. "
To read the latest book by Losurdo we learn a lot not only of history but also of the smallness of the USSR Stalinist liberal ideology now dominant. In celebrating his infinite moral superiority, this seems to assimilate the "monsters of totalitarianism" first to remove the darker sides of its history and embarrassing.