Friday, October 31, 2008

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"Maroni talk and resign." Cricket brings the network's video chat with the "provocative" and the police


Minister Maroni and explain what 'happened yesterday in Piazza Navona and clarify the presence of infiltrators. Then, resigned. And' what it wants on his blog Beppe Grillo after the incidents of guerrilla urban area of \u200b\u200bRome.

"Yesterday - Grillo writes - in Piazza Navona a truck was allowed to pass by the Police. In the truck there were helmets, bats, brass knuckles and maybe a dozen provocative. Provocateurs, not students. Provocateurs I beat up the students under eyes of the police. One of the challenging, as you can 'see from the video, and' loving relationships, great sympathy with the police, like a colleague.

"The square - continues the chronicle of Cricket - was packed. A truck thugs with clubs and could be there 'in only two cases:' cause it allowed the police on the orders of someone, 'cause the police did not govern the
square. Maroni, the Interior Minister, taking instructions, psychodwarf of a runner - he adds - and should explain what 'happened, and after resigning. "

For Grillo, and' the proof that" the policy and 'failure. The citizen can 'only talk to the police in riot estate. If the police is not enough, then there's the infiltrators, so 'the newspapers and television stations to the system can cry' clashes between students'. Journalists, there
ashamed? Your words are worse than the tri club squads of Piazza Navona.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

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the "confessions" of Cossiga. NOW FOR JUSTICE Giorgiana

The similarities with what Cossiga said today regarding the management of conflict over the square 70 can not fail to bring us back to Genoa. Undercover agents infiltrated the movement, cause, create the incident to trigger repression. A technical note that today, in front of the spread of the protests, will be seeking.
Alex Cardullo interviewed Alfio Nicotra, head of the department and Peace Movements of the PRC, a spokesman of the Genoa Social Forum during the days of the G8 in Genoa 2001
"You called Genoa, the G8, the death of Carlo Giuliani, the 'massacre' in police barracks, the similarities with what Cossiga said today in several interviews in which he offers advice on how to give the Minister Maroni "Mazzola" students, who manifest, as he did when he was killed Giorgiana Masi, 12 May 1977 while fleeing the Ponte Garibaldi, shot in the back by police firing. So I think that the judiciary has a duty to reopen the investigation. Even to me when I read the instructions for use, are reminded of those dramatic days. Cause, create the incident, then change to the repression techniques sadly notes that you want to propose today. "With these words
Alfio Nicotra, the national leadership of the communist PRC, head of" Peace Movements ", opens our conversation, pointing out that "Dazebao" gave much prominence to the fate of Cossiga calling and discounting the events of Genoa. "Then - Remember - I was one of the spokesmen of the "Genoa Social Forum: Before the police chief, De Gennaro, the then Minister Scajola, assured us that the police would not use weapons. We com 'is over. " Cossiga
So, shortly after the killing of Georgiana Masi, then chaired the House by Pietro Ingrao, declared that there were infiltrators in the police, who were undercover agents and that everything had happened because of the protesters . Then he changed his version several times and always said that the police had not fired. "We - again - the safety Cossiga we have lived on our skin when the" pickaxe "sat at the Interior Ministry. "
Remember Franco Fedeli, then director of the New Police, said that some pictures shown pictures of people not known to belong to the police, who also spoke of Gladio, the" pickaxe "well knows. The photos speak for themselves: there were people in civilian clothes, armed and protected by cordons of police. That day we never forget, as we have not forgotten Genoa when we had to organize the repression. From other countries, worried that they should take extra strength movements that were developing, were pressures to do so. "
Now the scenario has changed. The statements today disprove the allegations then. "We are closer to the truth," said Nicotra, so we are asking the courts to reopen the investigation. " Photos and pictures, testimony also indicated that the police had shot him, but this was not considered sufficient to detect or guilty. The investigation for murder in 1981 ended in a ruling by the court filing coach Claudio D'Angelo "have remained unknown to the offenders."
Back in those days. On May 12, the anniversary of the victory of the referendum on divorce, the radicals had decided to hold a sit-in in Piazza Navona. In Rome, the Interior Ministry, had come to the absolute prohibition to hold public demonstrations after the death of a police officer during clashes that had been. To enforce the ban which was a severe narrowing of the spaces of democracy, the Minister Cossiga deploys thousands of police and carabinieri in battle. The chronicles and we are witnesses, and between the police there were plainclothes special teams, also disguised as "independent."
the voltage to very high. Processions are formed. The police intervened to disperse those who manifest. The charges are violent, they are beaten even journalists and photographers. The police launched tear gas, shoot. A few minutes before 20 o'clock a violent charge. Two girls were hit by bullets fired from Ponte Garibaldi. There, perched on the bridge were policemen and carabinieri.
Giorgiana Masi, 19, Pasteur high school student, is shot in the back. For her there is no escape, died during transport to hospital. Elena Ascione, another young man is hit in the legs and he would manage. "This story, dramatic days of the Republic of blacks - said Nicotra - can not end like this, in the void of the unknown. Cossiga's interviews are a full-blown confession about how he, a minister, ruled public order between 1976 and 1978. Often we talk about mysteries inviolable. In this case, it may not be so, if you reopen the investigation. "

Rome, October 28, 2008 (

Sunday, October 26, 2008

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Also at Urbino part a protest against the cuts at the University

Several hundred students, teachers and employees of the administrative staff attend the general meeting of the University of Urbino called by trade unions and representatives of teaching staff and TA to the Board.

Over the interventions were explained the reasons for the protest against the law 133/2008, a law that drastically reduced funding, it blocks 20% turnover, forcing universities to become private foundations.

In the coming days, the protest continues with the efforts of the students in the classroom teaching of the New C1 self-managed, while Tuesday, October 28 from 10.30 there will be a new assembly directly in the University Square Republic.

see also the blog of Students in Motion: Visit the website for more information .

Friday, October 24, 2008

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Georgians will not pay!


universit.jpg Di Paolo Ferrero, the national secretary Prc

event October 17 - photo Flavia Fasano

"We will not pay for the crisis! " This slogan, which features demonstrations of the movement, I think best represents the full political nature of this season's struggles. The counter was the element of Gelmini trigger for the protest and its withdrawal is the main objective. The movement, however, expresses an ability to "read the phase" which calls into question not only Berlusconi but the entire neo-liberal hegemony of the season on the designs of social reform.
A movement of the whole school, from students to teachers to parents, where the communication policy is primarily within the movement itself, between different actors and different generations that make it up. A radically non-violent movement that in his "there is no" sets - us in the first place - an issue of political reform that part on the ability social construction, the critique of representation as a separate form of politics.

It is no coincidence that the protests in schools, universities, public research institutions are widespread forms of taking a broad and generalized movement that not only regressive opposed to the wishes of the Berlusconi government, but also adds discussion, the overall passiveness and conformism.

And today, at a stage where the production of knowledge has become a central issue of development and contradictions of the capitalist, this movement puts on a great reading, go to the root, to understand the links between the government's handling of the crisis and the cuts to public education ("we will not pay for the crisis on his part"), including job cuts and cuts to the quality of knowledge and quality of the future ("not tagliateci the future ' ), including the impoverishment of educational processes and reducing the practicability of democratic spaces, including recession and repression.

The expansive nature of this movement seems to be based, therefore, the capacity for an overall response to the attack system (from elementary to research institutions) carried out by this government: the ultimate challenge to the social function of education and public research.

The impression is that you are setting a broader process that unites generations around the idea that the public good of knowledge is guaranteed to all and everyone. Parents, school and university students, graduate students, researchers precarious, technical and administrative workers, teachers of all levels are now united in the fight against the government's aim to dispose of the structure of public education by going to affect the basic principles of our Constitution Republic.

It 's a movement that is born
in schools and universities but it speaks to society as a whole, occupying not only the streets, but the city. The world is shaken by the crisis in financial markets and a capitalist mode of production that proves not to be compatible with human development and the aspiration to a democratic society where economic development and social welfare move in unison. The Berlusconi government instead to pursue a serious policy to support demand, increasing by one hand, the purchasing power of households and other spaces expanding access to knowledge, a vital resource to produce a quality development of contemporary societies, meets the crisis in a regressive way, showing her full face reactionary.
The banking system falters and the government runs to the rescue by providing resources responsible for the crisis of rivers from their families. You do not cut the arms, they stop the projects as unnecessary and damaging the TAV or bridge over the Straits of Messina, but it reduces social spending and public education research and massacre. If the Government's proposal goes through, about 85 thousand to 45 thousand workers and technical teachers and school administrators will be sent home. With the cut of 1,500 million euro at the universities to which you add the block of material assumptions, tens of thousands of casual research would have to leave the country or even worse, fall back on other job prospects, while 57 thousand temporary workers in the public sector six months from now it will not renew contracts despite having completed the requirements for the stabilization provided for in the last two budget laws.

And then the wicked option offered to schools and universities, land-cut in public funding, to become de facto foundations giving to individuals the ability to manage resources and public facilities, heavily influencing the formation and research in our country. Not to mention the emptying of full-time, instead of being extended to those realities, particularly the south, where it has never really been applied, is reduced or at least meaningless, while the re-entry the "single master" and vote in the duct will be seeking a model of hierarchical and authoritarian school.

This is the company that offers the right . Where the school is reduced to conformity and fitness of research precarious, slave to the whims of a volatile market. The other aspect of the government's handling of the recession is repressive authoritarianism: the army in the city at 5 in the threat of police conduct in universities. This movement, however, is too large and the threat of force is not able to stop him.

On the one hand, we have a government that offers us classism, police state, institutional racism, including through the establishment of separate classes for migrant citizens, the other a full articulation of social bares the King, showing all the democratic vitality, anger but also the joy of a company wishing to investment in knowledge as a common good.

We must do
movement, for its growth and its victory. We must work to effectively settle the fight for knowledge as a common good with the fight against inflation. There are two aspects of the same coin, he understood the movement he can understand the majority of the country. The outlet's political movement and its victory, that the withdrawal of the decree Gelmini. A political solution that we have to work, both inside the movement is spreading as much as possible the mobilization against high prices. At the conference we had gambled on the possibility to create a warm autumn. Now the temperature has already risen a lot, 'our job to find the links between social problems and widespread fighting between the government and fighting against the Confindustria our duty to work to broaden the movement. "The crisis we will not pay" must become our watchword, since the mobilization of 25.

Rome, October 24, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Kamehasutra 2 Pl Online

THE AXIS OF GOOD: Fulvio Grimaldi URBINO THURSDAY 'October 16

Thursday, October 16th journalist Fulvio Grimaldi (ex tg3, former liberation) will attend to present his Urbino The new video axis of good. Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador: where the left and the book is "MOTHER, I LOST THE LEFT!" , ed. Malatempora

The presentation will be preceded by a reception accompanied by live music duo of Manuel and Mattia Lorenzetti Ambrogiani. It starts at 20.00 in the lobby of the College of Raphael and go in the Hall Serpieri.

E 'and an initiative of the Young Communists of Urbino and of the cultural Machine World

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Piero Calamandrei:
" " Let's say, so theoretically, there is a party power, a ruling party, which, however, formally wants to respect the constitution, not want to violate the substance. Does not want to march on Rome and transform the classroom into a space for presentation; but wants to establish, without opinion, a disguised dictatorship.

So, what to do to gain control of the schools and to turn state schools into Party schools? He realizes that the schools have been the defect of being impartial. There is some resistance, in those schools is always there, even under fascism has been there. Then, the dominant party follows another path (it's all a theoretical hypothesis, mind you). He begins to neglect the public schools, to discredit, to impoverish. Let anemizzino and that begins to favor private schools. Not all private schools. The schools of his party, that party. And then all these treatments are beginning to go to private schools. Cure of money and privileges. He even begins to advise the boys to go to these schools, because basically it says are better than those of the state. And perhaps we give prizes to those citizens who are willing to send their children to public schools instead cha to private schools. A "those" private schools. So the private school becomes a privileged school. The ruling party, unable to openly turn state schools into party schools, send the dogs to schools to give priority to the state's private schools. Attention, this is the recipe. We must keep an eye on the cooks in this slow cooking. The operation is done in three ways, as I have already said, ruining the schools of the state. Let go to hell. Depleting their budgets. Ignore their needs. Mitigate the supervision and control over private schools. Do not check its reliability. Let the teachers teach you that do not have the minimum qualifications to teach. Let the examinations are jokes. Giving public money to private schools.

This is the point. Giving public money to private schools " "

( in the Democratic School, March 20, 1950. )