Suggestions for congressional action
Leonardo Pegoraro
GC Coordinator of Urbino and editor of "World Machine"
1. The coup Bertinotti.
Care companions and dear friends,
what we are experiencing is a Congress that, as you know, not taken in its natural end. Last winter it was postponed sine die, or better, aside from the majority party, through a real coup. Why such contempt for democratic rules internal? Why are party leaders (Bertinotti on top), facing the possibility of putting an end once and for all theoretical and practical experience in communication and its organizational autonomy, they played all out and, aware of the opposition of most of membership, for this reason have found themselves "forced" to violate every rule of the statutes of our Democratic Party in order to transform it, with a coup by Communist Refoundation to common liquids. Always and only minimally without consulting its base. Dissolving the party that is so top-down and inside politicistico the Rainbow Left, a container, this no longer Communist vaguely left-wing, moderate and programmatically subordinate to the logic of the system - just think of the point where we said we had to approve the war if it was endorsed by the UN. Is clear: this was the price paid for a cold blend with whom as Mussi, a pro-imperialist warmonger who, after having fought for the dissolution of the PCI and after sharing the history of the PDS first and then the DS, had voted and supported with drawn sword the criminal bombing of Belgrade and the carnage of innocent civilians - still affected by the disastrous effects of depleted uranium dropped on those lands under the direct responsibility of the D'Alema government!
There is no doubt that the price paid for the construction of the Rainbow Left has been extremely high and, as I just demonstrated, in programmatic terms, both in electoral terms (a measly 3.1%) and, as I said, with regard to respect for the status of the party and internal democracy. I recall that on this is a very serious happened. In its report to NPC on "criteria and procedures for the nominations" Comrade Frank Ferrara, a member of the National Secretariat and head of the Organization about the "internal pluralism", said
"I think [...] that those companies s that [...] in practice an effective opposition to the system total of how democratic and how we set ourselves on the side of politics, can not by their very legitimate choice, to represent the party in the parliamentary team. "
Well mates, this statement of Comrade Ferrara violates article 3 of the Statute violates Article .5, Article 7 and Article .8. This fact guarantees the right of "plurality of positions that can express themselves freely and in a transparent manner through various forms of aggregations or trends, both at conferences and in the course of debates on issues of great political importance." Viola .57 Finally, the art that, in the specific "charges public and elected, "says that" while respecting the constraint on the majority of alliances and political decisions adopted by the governing bodies, in elected positions should be valued the diversity of experience and subjectivity within the party. "
In short, the leadership, at the last general election, making a distinction between "good minority" and "bad minority" might well justify the non-application of the representatives of the Ernest: from Fosco Giannini and Gian Luigi Pegolo - now one of the signatories the third point - which, not sold and not giving in to blackmail the majority, had consistently adhered to an event that sought to maintain names, symbols, and joint programming content. Their non-candidacy was a horror that undemocratic, together with the expulsions and actual expulsions, no doubt recalls the darkest pages of the experience of real socialism. There is no doubt that they are practical, such as that, precisely, the expulsion of partners that do not conform to the ideological dictates of the charismatic leader undisputed, that certainly does not belong to the best tradition of socialism realized. It should be noted that the farcical situation we are living in want, having said left and right that Lenin and other leaders of the communist movement of the twentieth century are all dead not only physically, after deleting a sponge with practical experience - and very largely theoretical - of communism, some have learned so detached, but burying the merits and inheriting the worst aspects. In the face of criticism of Stalinism! It seems clear that we are facing a difficult test of hypocrisy unmatched and unparalleled.
2. The motion and the motion Grassi-Ferrero Vendola. Two sides of one coin.
should however be noted that if, on the one hand, Vendola has a habit of blindness due to an inability to make a minimum of self-criticism, on the other hand, has the virtue of honesty and transparency, "says In fact, it is necessary to definitively overcome any cultural reference and re-establish a common practice and left without adjectives, in the name of moderation and dialogue with the PD. It proposes, in a nutshell, the project of Rainbow Left, changing only the name. The first point is rather more ambiguous and therefore more dangerous. Conduct a 'self-criticism, and most hypocritically late incomplete. Self-criticism comes too late: only after the catastrophe, and when there is a candidate to lead the party, when those who today support the third motion had sharply criticized the errors of the majority from the beginning, step by step, and forced to suffer for this exclusion, expulsion, deportation or even non-candidacy, according to a major anti-democratic and which Ferrero has always been a supporter guilty. The fake self-criticism is also quite incomplete because, as I said, the project itself does not stigmatize the Rainbow Left, to use the same words of the first document, one speaks of the need to "reverse the process" and not the project of the Rainbow Left , then one speaks of "re-foundation of the Left" and never, even by mistake, re-founding of a communist party, is proposed to build a "case of the left". And finally, you re-enable the now moribund "path European Left "! As if this was not the first step in a process that has also seen its peak and catastrophic bankruptcy in the construction of the Rainbow Left! Both of these projects, strategically a mirror of the other, they shared the communists, they have weakened and deprived of their autonomy. In this regard, just think of the fact that the European Left, rather than join the European communist parties held a half out of it. What about the Rainbow Left, just think of the fact that the sum of the votes taken criticism from Left and the Communist Party of Workers, 1, 1%, ie 20% of the vote that PRC had obtained in the 2006 elections, it would enough for us to reach a quorum in the last election.
3. The unfounded criticism of the "constituent Communist."

So as you can see, although some may seem paradoxical, it is the proposal of the motion Ferrero-fats to produce, if carried out, a dangerous split in the left, from that community.
Why do not we just begin to unite communists, as we call it the same way?! Yes we can live together despite their differences at a tactical level that exist and always have existed, in one party and then be the pioneers and promoters of the necessary unity of all the Italian left. But after hearing how the document
Ferrero liquid constituent of the Communist proposal: it is "wrong because it is based solely on the basis of ideological and symbolic, with no breath to movement planning and openness." To be ideological (in the worst sense of the term, as Gramsci pointed out) seems to be this one argument made by ferreriani and grassiani, since, if only they had put aside the first and second anti-opportunism, not could never support such a falsehood, because the appeal united community, we broadly supported the third point, having started out saying, "We are Communists and Communists of our time. We chose to stay in their movements and social conflict, "says explicitly to address" youth movements, feminists, environmentalists, civil rights and the fight against sex discrimination ... the movement against the war, internationalist ". From these few words of the appeal seems that this is characterized by a programmatic approach without a breath and closed to the movement?
is not credible to those who lie shamelessly: the first motion silt reality, says he wants to keep up but Rifondazione within a federation that would make the party just a toy for the militants in order to accustom them, over time, all converge into a single entity vaguely left. The same, again, who want to build vendoliani - not the case until the day before yesterday they were both part of that majority. But if they want to do from the first down and after a while 'time, and immediately on others. In the words of Gramsci, the Lyons Congress of PCI, in either case we are faced to the 'emergence of right-wing deviations "as" a true platform of the right "would pass the idea that "Social Democracy think of it as the left wing of the bourgeoisie, but as the right wing of the proletariat. "
4. The AKEL, PCP, KKE and the European Left. Two divergent strategic perspectives.
If it were not jeopardize the future existence of a communist party in Italy, would be observed smiling, always in the first document, as the experiences of European Marxist-Leninist communist parties which AKEL of Cyprus, which has recently gained the presidency of the country, the Portuguese Communist Party (PCP) and Greek (KKE), well away from any attempt to
At this point we are often accused of identity. Now, to prove that deleting a name and a symbol not just a matter of form but of substance I might remind you of the sad results of the PCI became PDS, then DS and PD. I want instead to talk about something that is passed over in silence. On 9 May 2007, after the choice of the fascist government of Estonia to remove a monument to fallen Soviet Army in the fight against the Nazi-Fascist barbarity, the EL with the greek Synaspismos (also regarded with admiration by Ferrero) , groups in the Scandinavian countries and most members of the PCF and the German PDS vote in favor of a motion in solidarity with the behavior of the authorities in Estonia and more than justified the condemnation indignant reaction of the Russians. All under the banner of anti-communism and revisionism. On the other hand, to defend the historical memory of a country that, despite the objective difficulties besetting, has contributed in terms of human lives, more than any other to the capitulation of Nazi-fascism we thought rather than the Communist Party of Czech-Moravian and PdCI, the Greek Communists, the Communist Party of Portuguese el'AKEL Cyprus. Just the three parties appointed by the first document in the European Left side without saying, however, that, as we have just seen, not at all share the same strategic perspective, we have indeed new to some of the other communist parties and a party of the left, but that is not communist and who does not want to be read. So, once again it is obvious distortion of the reality of the operation carried out by ferreriani and grassiani.
5. The contradictions of the "be expedient."
6. No change gattopardeschi, yes to the re-establishment of a communist party.
Comrades, let us look in the eye with sincerity, we know that it is highly likely to win the conference at national level - and then to lead the party - will be the first or second motion. And we also know that in either case to hold the levers of command of the direction the party will remain the same. We will meet as a party led by Ferrero, Mantovani, fat, or from Vendola Burgio, Bertinotti, Best, Gagliardi, Gianni. Or maybe all these put together, although there is also the possibility of an agreement, or rather a mess of post-meeting between these two motions. The staged showdown between the two wings of the former majority, I want to reiterate, are fictitious and propaganda: the end is not really challenge the errors of the line followed so far, but to win and consolidate command posts. It seems that a clash of assisting fake staged as equipment, designed to get around, once again, the basis of party - what little remains. Which resembles the contrast at the level of national party system, including PD and PDL: are also two sides of one coin. I think that this offends the first subject that we represent.
In the words of Che Guevara, we need instead of bread as less climbing and more asceticism, which is essential, the latter to regain a minimum of credibility among the lower classes who want to represent.
As the prince Don Fabrizio of Salina in The Leopard, everything changes because nothing changes.
is, unfortunately, the same logic seems to be pessimistic that gripped the outcome of this Congress, which will produce exactly gattopardesco a change.
is why, comrades, and I start to conclusion, I ask you with all my heart not to choose either the sincere liquidationists the second motion or, even worse, the opportunists of the first liquidationists but to vote for the Communists, third vote for the motion. It has joined the L'Ernesto area but at the same time transverse motions to the Congress in Venice, there are ex-comrades of the former, and ferrandiani turigliattiani remained in the party. From below, by the appeal of Florence and the motion of the 100 clubs who want a communist party with the times and mass bases, democratic inside. The
third point is really the only alternative because it is the only one to address the issue of reconstruction of a union to fight in Italy, suggesting the unity of all areas of labor class, and out of the CGIL. As regards, for example, the CGIL think of his wings from the left: that is to say, Labour and Society, the Network on April 28 and Fiom.
I ask you to support the third point because it is the only one that says in no uncertain terms to fight against imperialism, supporting the oppressed peoples in their struggle for liberation, from Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Haiti and Somalia. Raising the internationalism and solidarity among peoples and the working classes all over the world.
is the only one, our motion, dismissing two Manichaean attitudes which, although of opposite sign, moving on the same wavelength, unable to engage in a serious investigation of our historical role. I refer on the one hand and the other nostalgic attitude to the liquidationist.
is the only one that calls on party leaders to take a step back and let the people control who has shown, plus a spirit of self-sacrifice, to have more skills and expertise, know-how, thanks to the conceptual tools of Marxism -Leninism never abandoned, a reading of the actual concrete situation of the phase we are living.
We think that we need to build a communist party in Italy, thus dividing the original design of the PRC. In fact, the Communist Refoundation party itself was designed not as an individual self but as a transitory moment face to join all the other boys and girls of the country, thereby ending the communist Italian diaspora.
Only a communist party can overcome the difficult challenge of joining, making a synthesis of all instances of conflict and all the contradictions unitematici taken individually by the various movements with which you need a dialectical relationship, thus avoiding both an attitude of subordination is merely an attitude of complete detachment.
Today Italian left needs a strong independent community, which does not hide its symbols or its communist identity because, as demonstrated by historical experience of every kind, denying the symbols is the first step in the denial of the ideals connected to them.
What we are facing is a major challenge: how a phoenix we have to rise from our ashes, putting together the pieces of the building has crumbled to build a new, even able to withstand the shocks that have destroyed the first.
And this new building will fight the lies of the dominant ideology and face the struggle against capitalism and the horrors that produces only if it can acquire a common identity and revolutionary!